Posted: November 19th, 2022
For this Assignment, you may select from one
The purpose of this Assignment is to promote collaboration between all healthcare professionals, utilizing a team approach and problem solving to complete a task that will be beneficial within the clinical setting of the student’s choice.
For this Assignment, you may select from one of the following clinical settings: acute-care hospital, community health clinic, or a skilled nursing facility. The administrator of your selected clinical setting has approached you as the nurse educator of the institution and has informed you that the clinical setting is going to be introducing a new medical record system that will interface with all departments. It will be your job as the nurse educator to develop an overall plan as to how you will introduce and train the staff in the new system. Remember, depending upon your clinical setting you may be dealing with physicians, nurses, nurse aides, radiology personnel, lab workers, dietary, and environmental services; in other words, a mix of healthcare professionals that will need to develop a working knowledge and understanding of the system. You will have a diversity of workers from a mix of multicultural backgrounds as well as a mix of educational backgrounds. Consider what teaching strategies you will use in order to address the variety of learners.
Knowing that you have the full support of the administration, how will you achieve buy-in from other healthcare professionals? Perhaps some have staff privileges but are not employees? They also will be required to meet the new standards. What steps will you take to ensure that all staff have a working knowledge of the new system and are properly trained? Remember staff includes all healthcare personnel that are working in the selected setting and collaboration is needed for success. How will you address those resistant to change?
You will need to write a 4-page paper describing how you will accomplish the task given to you by your administrator. You must utilize a minimum of four or more peer-reviewed scholarly sources that provides support to your decision and your plan.
Please be sure to start your paper with an Introduction-this should be an overview of what you are going to present to your reader in your paper.
Please be sure to address the following components into your paper:
● Selected Clinical Setting
● Overall Plan
● EMR System Introduction
● Achieving Buy-in
● Staff Training
● Teaching Strategies/Diversity of Workers
● Conclusion