Posted: May 1st, 2022
Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Week
Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Week
Focused SOAP Note and Patient Case Week 4
Psychiatric notes are a way to reflect on your practicum
experiences and connect them to the didactic learning you gain
from your NRNP courses. Focused SOAP notes, such as the ones
required in this practicum course, are often used in clinical
settings to document patient care.
For this Assignment, you will document information about a
patient that you examined during the last three weeks, using the
Focused SOAP Note Template provided. You will then use this
note to develop and record a case presentation for this patient.
To Prepare
Review this week’s Learning Resources and consider the insights
they provide. Also review the Kaltura Media Uploader resource in
the left-hand navigation of the classroom for help creating your
self-recorded Kaltura video.
Select a patient of any age (either a child or an adult) that you
examined during the last 3 weeks.
Create a Focused SOAP Note on this patient using the template
provided in the Learning Resources. There is also a completed
Focused SOAP Note Exemplar provided to serve as a guide to
assignment expectations.
Please Note:
All SOAP notes must be signed, and each page must be initialed