Posted: September 21st, 2022
Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology
NUR 641E Topic 3: Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology
Mar 17-23, 2022
Max Points:197
Describe normal pathophysiology and alterations in electrolytes and their presentations.
Differentiate between acid-base imbalances: metabolic acidosis or alkalosis and respiratory acidosis or alkalosis.
Compare the role of the respiratory and renal systems in regulating acid-base balance.
Describe a pharmacological intervention using an evidence-based treatment guideline.
NUR 641E Topic 3: Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology Topic 3 DQ 1
Mar 17-19, 2022
Choose a medical condition from the fluid, electrolyte, or acid-base system and explain the pathophysiology changes that may occur. What patient education would need to be included related to this disorder? Make sure that you select a different medical condition than your peers. Include the name of the medical condition in the subject line so that the medical conditions can be followed. Include your references in APA style.
Replies to Nicole Santos
Hypercalcemia is a condition where calcium level in the blood are elevated. Elevated calcium level in the blood can weaken the bones, form kidney stones, and affect the cardiac and brain function. Overactive parathyroid glands are typically the cause of hypercalcemia, other causes are cancer, other medical issues and medications, and taking too much calcium and vitamin D supplements.
Hypercalcemia can affect the following:
Kidneys: makes kidney work harder causing excessive thirst and frequent urination
GI system: stomach disturbances, nausea, vomiting, constipation
Bones and Muscles: weak and brittle bones, bone pain, muscle weakness
Brain: confusion, lethargy, fatigue, depression
Heart: palpitations, fainting, arrhythmia
Some patient education in patients would be to inform of signs and symptoms of hypercalcemia; inform for risk of kidney stones; drink plenty of water; avoid food high in dairy or calcium; discontinue calcium supplements; refrain from using antacids with calcium and opt for antacids with magnesium.
McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2018). Pathophysiology – e-book: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Mosby.
NUR 641E Topic 3: Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology Topic 3 DQ 2
Mar 17-21, 2022
Select a medication used in evidence-based treatment guidelines for the condition chosen in the first discussion question. Share the mechanism of action of this medication and hints for monitoring, side effects, and drug interactions of which one should be aware. Make sure that you select a different medication than your peers. Include the name of the medication in the subject line so that the medications can be followed. Include your references in APA style.
Magnesium sulfate
Magnesium sulfate is a treatment for hypomagnesemia that has been shown to work. Depending on how bad the hypomagnesemia is and how stable the patient is, magnesium can be given by mouth, through a vein, into the bone (if there is no other way) or into the muscle. It can be used to make intravenous solutions when mixed with 5% dextrose or water (Hicks & Tyagi, 2022). If it is taken by mouth, it changes the osmotic pressure of the fluid. If it is given through a vein, it is broken down into elemental magnesium and used to replenish and maintain magnesium stores in the blood (Hicks & Tyagi, 2022). There is an increase in the amount of magnesium in the serum. To avoid hypermagnesemia, magnesium doses should be lowered when replacing magnesium in people with kidney problems. After magnesium sulfate is given intravenously, blood should be drawn every 6 to 8 hours to check the serum levels (Hicks & Tyagi, 2022). Also, the patellar reflexes, the amount of urine made, and any signs or symptoms of hypermagnesemia should be watched. Some of the most common side effects of giving this drug intravenously are a red face and a feeling of warmth (Hicks & Tyagi, 2022). If it is given parenterally too quickly or in too high of a dose, it can cause low blood pressure, no reflexes, weakness, less breathing drive, and problems with how the heart works (Hicks & Tyagi, 2022). When a therapeutic dose is taken by mouth, it can cause nausea and loose stools. Several drug interactions can happen, but their effects are very different. Aminoglycoside antibiotics like amikacin and gentamicin are some of the drugs you should talk to your doctor about before taking magnesium. If you take both of these drugs together, it could slow your breathing (Magnesium sulfate interactions, n.d.). Taking calcium or vitamin D supplements, which help raise calcium levels, could increase the risk of hypermagnesemia (Magnesium sulfate interactions, n.d.).
Hicks, M., & Tyagi, A. (2022). Magnesium Sulfate. NCBI.
Magnesium sulfate interactions. (n.d.).
NUR 641E Topic 3: Fluid, Electrolyte, And Acid-Base Pathophysiology – Topic 3 Acid-Base and Electrolyte Case Study
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Assessment Description
A nurse is taking care of an 85-year-old woman in a hospital-based skilled nursing facility. In the report, the nurse is told the patient has not been breathing well for the past 2 days. She has been lethargic, her skin is warm and dry, and she has a decreased urine output. The following laboratory findings were returned from the laboratory immediately after morning report:
Blood Chemistries
Na: 147
Cl: 110
K: 4.0
Arterial Blood Gases
pH: 7.33
PCO2: 48
HCO3: 27
PO2: 96
Urine Specific Gravity: 1.040
Address the following:
Identify each of the abnormal laboratory findings in the above results. Specify how they differ from a normal range and identify what condition each abnormality indicates.
What specific electrolyte disturbance does the patient have?
What clinical manifestations would the nurse expect to see with this electrolyte abnormality presented above?
If the patient had an increase in her potassium level, for what clinical manifestations would the nurse monitor?
What blood gas abnormality is seen in this patient? Discuss the rationale for your answer.
What are the three major mechanisms of pH regulation?
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
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Topic 4: Respiratory System And HEENT: Selected Pathophysiology And Pharmacologic Therapy
Mar 24-30, 2022
Max Points:30
Describe normal pathophysiology and alterations in the pulmonary system and HEENT.
Integrate knowledge of pathophysiology and pharmacology into teaching and educational materials in diverse settings.
Describe a pharmacological intervention using an evidence-based treatment guideline.