Posted: October 14th, 2022
First Assignment – Introduction to marketing
First Assignment – Introduction to marketing
Q1: Relationship building is very important to marketers. Explain how these relationships are built and who are the people involved in this process.
Q2: the chocolate company, MARS, has suffered from floatation of the Egyptian pound and lost some of its sales. Explain what kind of environment is affecting MARS, and how MARS have responded to this factor.
Q3: Lay’s is an international brand of potato chips that is offered in the market in a variety of flavors that meet every taste, sizes and is sold in prices ranging from 1 SAR to 10 SAR. Mention the segmentation categories and variables that Lay’s uses to segment its market.
Q4: Conduct a SWOT analysis on Maistro Pizza.
Q5: When would the selling concept be useful?
• Please type your assignment as follows:
o Font Size 12
o Times New Roman
o Single-spaced on A4 paper.
o Not less than 3 pages
o Need references
o Uploaded on LMS
• The contents of the assignment must be based on your opinion, discussion; details your own critical thinking.
• Your assignment must be written in English only.
• Plagiarism, copying and cheating will NOT be awarded any mark, and disciplinary actions will be taken instead.
• Your assignment must be submitted to the LMS (PDF version), The deadline is on Saturday 15th of October 2022 at 11:55 pm.
Those who DOT NOT submits ON TIME considered late submission. Your mark will be ZERO.
• The assignment constitutes 10 % of the course marks.
• You are required to prepare a front cover for your assignment. The front cover attached (Appendix 1)
Introduction to marketing