Posted: May 1st, 2022
Finished Project: A Comparison of World Religions (Final Project)
Finished Project: A Comparison of World Religions (Final Project)
Day 7 of this week is the deadline for completing the Final Project, which was first presented to you in Week 1. Please double-check that your project fits all of the requirements before submitting it for consideration.
In order to complete your Final Project, you will prepare a convincing essay in which you will demonstrate why the study of world religion is important in today’s society. Week 2 was dedicated to a religious tradition that you selected to learn more about in depth. The pillar of analysis on which you would want to base your point of view was determined in Week 3. Week 4 asked you to consider how your religious tradition responds to a specific social issue that you care about.
Now, taking a step back, consider the role that the pillar of analysis you choose plays in a global world, as seen through the eyes of your religious tradition of choice. Explore, answer, and defend your response to the following questions from this point of view:
What motivates people to take part in religious activities? What were their reasons thousands of years ago, and why did they do it? What are their motivations at this point in time?
The purpose of studying religion is unclear. What are some of the most essential lessons we can learn from studying religion?
Consider the topics addressed in your weekly milestones: what role does your chosen religious tradition play in contemporary society, given what you’ve learned? Is it possible for your chosen religious tradition, or any religious tradition, to have a positive cultural impact?
By the end of this week, you will have completed the following tasks:
In order to complete your Final Project, you will prepare a convincing essay in which you will demonstrate why the study of world religion is important in today’s society. Week 2 was dedicated to a religious tradition that you selected to learn more about in depth. The pillar of analysis on which you would want to base your point of view was determined in Week 3. Week 4 asked you to consider how your religious tradition responds to a specific social issue that you care about.
Now, taking a step back, consider the role that the pillar of analysis you choose plays in a global world, as seen through the eyes of your religious tradition of choice. Explore, answer, and defend your response to the following questions from this point of view:
What motivates people to take part in religious activities? What were their reasons thousands of years ago, and why did they do it? What are their motivations at this point in time?
The purpose of studying religion is unclear. What are some of the most essential lessons we can learn from studying religion?
Consider the topics addressed in your weekly milestones: what role does your chosen religious tradition play in contemporary society, given what you’ve learned? Is it possible for your chosen religious tradition, or any religious tradition, to have a positive cultural impact?
Your Instructor should provide you with the Final Project Worksheet.
Examine the Final Project Worksheet that you have completed.
Take a moment to reflect on your responses to the questions posed above.
Prepare a persuasive essay of 5–7 pages in length in which you respond to and explain your answers to the questions provided in the previous section.
Make certain that your essay is formatted in accordance with the guidelines outlined below, and that it includes suitable citations in APA format.
Submit your Final Project Research Paper for consideration.
To back up your claims, include at least two references to relevant academic sources, written in proper APA format, in your paper. Keep in mind that the Walden University Library is open for your use. For assistance, please see the “Ask a Librarian” resource, which can be found under the weekly resources section.
For questions concerning this Assignment, please post them in the Contact the Instructor section of this website. Everyone in the class will be able to observe and benefit from the Instructor’s response in this manner. Using the information in this section, you can also e-mail your Instructor if something unexpected happens that prevents you from completing your project on time.
Information about submitting work and receiving a grade
Please complete the following steps in order to submit your completed Project for review and grading:
It is recommended that you save your Project with a name that follows the naming convention “WK5Proj+last name+first initial(extension)” as the name.
To examine the Grading Criteria for the Project, click on the Week 5 Final Project Rubric link above.
To access the Week 5 Project page, click here.
Then, in the Attach File section, select Browse My Computer from the drop-down menu. Click Open after locating the document you saved with the name “WK5Proj+last name+first initial. (extension)”.
If relevant, please include the following information: The I agree to submit my paper(s) to the Global Reference Database checkbox may be found under the Plagiarism Tools section of the website.
To submit your submission, click on the Submit button to the right.