Posted: February 23rd, 2022
Final Project – Creating A Social Media Campaign Strategy Pitch For A Brand Of Your Choosing
- Social Media Campaign Project: (40% of Final Grade)
Purpose: Apply the skills from the Brand Audit Group Project on determining an effective social media campaign for a Brand’s business goals. This is an exercise meant to approximate the real-world experience of pitching a social strategy to a stakeholder- including a tight timetable to convey a very exciting idea.
- You will be tasked with creating a social media campaign strategy pitch for a brand of your choosing. (The brand must be one that you have no intimate knowledge as current employee)
- The campaign strategy includes evaluation of current performance, a content strategy, analytics indicators and ultimate KPIs.
- The format will be in power point form based on a template provided by the instructor on NYU Classes.
- Students will have 7 minutes to present their present their pitch live during our final class.
I have written a proposal for the final project. Please read the instruction carefully to finish PowerPoint Slides and write down a speech draft (word.doc) for presentation.
Also, I have uploaded all the class lecture slides, they are short, but please read all the slides to know what we have learned, and based on what we learned from the class to do this final project.