Posted: July 20th, 2022
Field trip presentation (Cybersecurity and forensic)
Field trip presentation (Cybersecurity and forensic)
Field Trip
We will not meet in class on the field trip week…. Instead, you will complete one of the following options…
Step 1: Select your location
Option 1: Take a “field trip” to one of the following:
● National Cryptologic Museum (free)
● International Spy Museum ($)
● National Law Enforcement Museum ($)
● DEA Museum (free)
● Fairfax County Police Museum – Public Safety Headquarters Building (free)
● Local or Federal Court House (observe some trials) (free)
● Go on a “Ride-a-long” with a police officer (free) —> HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
● If you have other ideas, feel free to get them approved
You cannot use a previous trip… as with all work, it must be NEW for this semester.
Option 2: Take a “Virtual” field trip to one of the following locations:
● FBI Academy and facilities at Quantico
o (use other sites for more info)
● Regional Computer Forensic Laboratory
o (use other sites for more info)
● CIA Museum
Step 2: Create your presentation
● Create a PowerPoint presentation
o Include information and pictures about what you did, what you saw, and what you learned.
o Slides should be in your own words.
o There is no minimum or maximum number of slides, just make sure you cover the information sufficiently
o Note: You are given an entire class block of time to work on this; therefore, if you are completing option 2, I would expect your presentation to represent enough detail to show approximately 3 hours of research and development of your presentation. If you are completing option 1, I would assume the bulk of your time would be spent during the experience of your field trip, so I would assume your presentation would not contain as much detail as option 1.
Step 3: Write your speech
● In your PowerPoint, include your speech in the NOTES SECTION (use complete sentences). This would be your presentation/speech if you were to present this to an audience.
● Every slide should have talking points, even if it is an introduction or transition slide.
● Talking points/speech should be in your OWN words.
● Make sure you cite all sources you used for information or pictures either on the slide or in your notes.
Step 4: Submit your presentation
● Compress your pictures before submitting (in PowerPoint, double click on a picture, go to “compress picture” tool, apply to all pictures)
● Make sure your speech is visible in the notes section.
● Make sure citations are visible in the notes section.
● OPTION 1 will receive EXTRA CREDIT POINTS… but you must provide “proof” you were actually there!
o Include your ticket or a picture of you at the location in your presentation.
o For ride-alongs, if you are not allowed to take a picture, include the officer’s card and contact information.
o For court visits, include specific dates and names of cases that can be verified from the court docket.
● Submit on Blackboard
Late work is not eligible for extra credit points.