Posted: October 20th, 2022
Female leader analysis and company analysis – gender gap in leadership
Female leader analysis and company analysis – gender gap in leadership
First please read the attached blog to get an idea of some key concepts, research outcomes, or phenomena that was identified in my blog as you need it to write this paper. After reading my blog please then continue with the following instructions below. Proper structure is below.
Also please read the attached chapter 15 from the book “leadership northouse”, and use it a bit in this paper. You can take away from this chapter specific things like where it talks about the glass ceiling turning into a labyrinth, it goes well with my attached blog and what you can write for this paper.
CONCEPTS from BLOG: (evidence of a leadership gap, challenges, strategies to overcome, barriers to female leadership)…
What is the Gender Gap in Leadership? Who is Affected by It?Why Does the Gender Gap in Leadership Matter? The Barriers to Female Leadership, and Strategies to Overcome.
This essay should delve deep into the “gender gap in leadership” through ANALYZING a 1. female leadership figure profile (a female that has overcome the barriers to reach a high leadership position, you must collect data from a female leader on her experience)
AND a 2. company analysis (where it shows their female representation and female leaders/CEOs in this company and any concerns/problems listed in these areas).
These 2 categories (Female leadership figure profile) and (Company Analysis with Female representation) can be analyzed through some of the key concepts, research outcomes, or phenomena that is identified in my attached Blog. Choose a key concept, research outcomes, or phenomena that was identified in my blog and please analyze the two categories with it. For example, the barriers to female leadership (which is written about in the blog) can be used to analyze a female leadership figure profile.
You will be collecting info, then identify a concept that describes what you found as a CLAIM. So, your essay will consist of 2 MAIN CLAIMS supported by findings/analyses/data from each of the two categories. The purpose is to apply the theory you identified as lenses in the attached blog through which to analyze content from 2 perspectives: leadership figure (past or current) AND a company.
The female leadership figure can be a past/current leader with enough information written about her, her struggles, and how she overcame obstacles that are in the way of female leadership. And talk about how this female leader is closing the gender gap in leadership. As for the company, it can be any company that has enough female representation and information and data to analyze it online. Critically analyze your selected leader’s experience and company through specific lenses that have been discussed in the attached blog.
Use bottom up approach: Identify a “leadership figure profile” then a company analysis – these 2 categories can Then be analyzed through some of the key concepts from the attached blog.
1.) Choose your theory concepts/phenomena from the Gender Gap in Leadership topic. This could be identified during your Blog or new areas that you discovered. No additional sources need to be consulted if you will use the theory from the attached Blog, but expand this as needed.
2.) Identify your case data to analyze:
(a) leadership figure to be the subject of your case study analysis. This leader can be a public figure, a movie or novel character, or a historical figure, as long as there is written data about this figure to refer to. Identify 2-3 different types of information sources about your cases and aim for credible information sources.
(b) a company that published their gender diversity data so you can make inferences about their female representation in this company and any concerns/problems, or strengths, listed in these areas. Identify 2-3 different types of information sources about your cases and aim for credible information sources.
Choose your cases based on the availability of sufficient published information about them.
3.) Critically analyze the leader’s behavior, the company information (descriptive, composition, related problems or strengths – what they are known for), through the lens of your theory from your attached blog to make at least 2 claims (e.g., one for each). Discuss your findings by answering the following questions:
o Provide a brief overview of the leader, company. List key events in her life and explain why this figure is considered a leader based on the general understanding of leadership.
o Introduce your selected theory by describing it overall and identifying 3-5 (?) key aspects associated with this theory/concept/phenomenon/outcome.
o Apply your approach as a lens through which you analyze the leadership figure, company data that you collected by discussing how the theory (and possibly the key aspects you selected) are demonstrated by your leader, company, or not. Present these claims (conclusions from your analyses.)
o Provide an overall concluding claim – key “so what” that you discovered during this analysis…
Please do not plagiarize anything. This will be turning it in. All information should come from credible sources and articles.
Writing should be clear, concise, coherent, and grammatically correct. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Please before writing let me know the following:
The female leader you will use-This leader can be a public figure, a movie or novel character, or a historical figure, as long as there is written data about this figure to refer to.
The company you will use.-a company that published their gender diversity data so you can make inferences about their female representation in this company and any concerns/problems, or strengths, listed in these areas.
Include an additional executive summary (one page of the 2 key claims. reasons, and outline).
Please send me this so i can approve it all.
5 pages for each section – There should be at least 5 pages on the leadership figure profile and 5 Pages on the company analysis section.
Include an additional executive summary (one page of the 2 key claims. reasons, and outline).
Please use unique headings for each section so i can follow every part easily.
Includes quotes and evidence to add to the lived experience of these women.
Please make writing understandable, engaging, and clear.
Include: references page and in-text citations all in APA 7th edition format.