Posted: August 31st, 2022
Federalism & the Texas State Constitution.
Chapter 2 Assignment Read and answer the following questions. Th ese questions focus on Chapter 2: Federalism & the Texas State Constitution. 1. Which version of the Texas Constituion re-established the length of a Legislative session? List and describe what the change is. a What is one the criticisms of the Texas Constitution? (list and discuss)… 3. How often do we add new amendments to the Texas Constitution? 4. Desribe the significance of the 1836 version of the Constitution. 5. Explain the transition of Texas from its own independent republic to a state of the United States. 6. How is state power constrained by federalism? Provide an example and explain…
7. What is federalism? Provide an example and explain… 8. Name an example of an issue that is American federalism in action (and explain why you selected this example). 9. Regarding Winter Storm Uri in Febrary 2021 – how would the federal and state government work together to protect the community? Explain… 10. Regarding the COVID-19 restrictions, who has the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that vaccines are delivered? Explain why… INSTRUCTIONS: This assignment is worth 40 poi. – 4 points for each question. Submit your response via Word document (not via Google dots or PDF) to this assignment. Citing an example will definitely help. But explain your answer in detail to provide context to your opinion. Partial responses will result in partial credit.
…DISCLAIMER: This assignment is due no later than 5pm on Friday, 2 September 2022. The, is rnas27gtextegrtosu,lts assignment will late assignment. aVkZbaccepdaar-nOe, exceptions.
RUBRIC for assignment
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of Displays red” content knowledge answers in retal Provides answer to all parts of the question.
Partially answers question in context to question asked. Provides answer to one part of the question.
Provides a response that touches on the question but does not go into details as instructed by the question.
Semester Reflection #1: Class Introduction & Federalism
first week of class
0 POINTS Does not answer the question.