Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Federal Bureau of Statistics Assignment | College Homework Help
Re: Topic 2 DQ 1 Workplace violence in the health industry is greater than any other sector of employment, in fact, the Federal Bureau of Statistics reports that violence in the healthcare is “3.8 times higher than all of the private industry.” (Wolfe, 2018) In fact, the National Nurses United, the largest union of registered nurses reported workplace violence rates increased by 110% from 2005 to 2014.
Examples of workplace violence include direct physical assaults (with or without weapons), written or verbal threats, physical or verbal harassment, and homicide (Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA, 2015). Nurses in the Emergency Room are at greatest risk for violence. Three out of four nurses routinely experience acts of verbal and physical violence, including, hitting, kicking, yelling and cursing from patients and visitors according to the January 2015 issue Journal of Emergency Nursing. Statistically violence in emergency rooms is on the rise, however, our organization has specifically seen a drastic increase of violence in the emergency room.
Long wait times due to failing healthcare systems, patients suffering from mental health issues and substance abuse are contributing factors. Law enforcement in our county readily bring patients who are altered on drugs or suffering from mental health issues to our facility because other hospitals mental health services have shrunk or they have removed the programs their services and other hospitals require them to stay with the patient while we readily accept them and dismiss the officers, making our hospital the easier and more time-efficient option for them.
Because of the growing higher population of older adults in our specific area due to several large senior living communities and long term care/rehab facilities within the vicinity of our campus, we see a large number of patients that suffer from situations and diseases that alter the mental status of the individual. The implications are devastating. Nurses who experience violence in the workplace often suffer emotional, psychological, physical and professional consequences. Nurses often experience symptoms of post-traumatic stress after a violent incident. They may avoid talking about the event, have flashbacks, feel fearful angry, frustrated or helpless, they may also avoid patients or situations that may trigger all of these feelings.
Nurses lose cognitive focus after a violent event. (Gillespie et al, 2010). Workplace violence is very costly. It is estimated that it costs billions of dollars a year. (Higazee and Rayan, 2017). Not to mention the loss of work for the professional due to injury. Some nurses choose to leave the profession altogether. Busby, G. ( Jan 2017). Incidence and Costs of Workplace Violence. Journal of Emergency Nursing. Vol. 41. Issue 1. Gillespie, G.L., Gates, D.M., Miller, M. & Howard, P.K. (2010). Violence Against Healthcare workers in the Pediatric Emergency Department.
Advanced Journal Emergency Nursing Journal. 32 (1), p.68-82 Higazee, M.Z.A., Rayan, A. (2017). Consequences and Control Measures of Workplace Violence among Nurses. Journal of Nursing and Health Studies.Vol.2 No.3:22. OSHA (2015). Caring for our Caregivers. Preventing Violence a Roadmap for Healthcare Facilities. Retrieved o October 20, 2019, from Wolfe, E., (3 Oct. 2018). Violence Against Emergency Staffers Seen as Increasing. Fairwarning reports. Retrieved on October 20, 2019, from Health & Medical Homework Assignment help