Posted: February 28th, 2022
Fad Diets Essay 600-750 words
I have attached the original paper, it can not have none of this research it must be a paper with the same topic and ideas just different paper. Please read thru the paper that is attached and do not use same ideas.
Class, I have good news about your second essay. You have already completed the research portion of this assignment! For essay two, you are to use the topic that you researched for your Research Notebook assignment. Using this research, complete the following assignment as instructed below.
First, you may use the same template that you used for Essay 1 (but be sure to save the file as Essay 2 as shown below). Download the attached template to your desktop and save it as the first initial of your first name, your last name, underscore (hit control and the dash key), and the essay number (not week number). Example: JSmith_essay2
On page one, change your name and other information as applicable. Include your skeleton outline on page two. Your header begins on page two as well. I have done this for you on the template. Just add your title, as shown.
Your essay will begin on page three. You must include the following sections: introduction, materials and methods, results, and conclusion. All sections combined must be between 500-750 words.
Include your hypothesis in your introduction. Please put it in bold so that I can identify it quickly. (Example hypothesis: Due to its many benefits and advantages, solar energy is a valuable resource to develop and refine.)
Use at least 3 of your Research Notebook sources (absolutely NO Wikipedia). Each source must be cited within your paper and also on your References page. Use CSE style! See previous “Lessons” for detailed instructions.
In your materials and methods section, explain how this topic was researched. What specific elements were examined and how were they studied? What are the details of the experiments? What supplies, tools, techniques, and procedures were used?
Provide the results of the above studies and your conclusion in the appropriate sections.
Look closely at the feedback you received during week six in the peer review forum area. Incorporate those suggestions as needed into your final essay. Consider suggestions about paragraph length, lead sentences, wordiness, CSE citations, vague adjectives, etc.
Use numbers when applicable and include at least one visual. Give your visual a Figure number and a brief description.
Use good grammar! Stay in the correct tense. Use active verbs. (Check the Grammar_Review handout under Resources for more tips.)
This week under Lessons, we learned about the importance of qualifiers, so I will be looking for some qualifying words or phrases in this essay.
I will also check to see if you have applied (as applicable) the feedback and suggestions I left for you on your previously graded Assignments, so be sure you have studied your GRADED files carefully!
Your essay must be submitted by the end of week six (Sunday, 11:55 pm ET).
Message me if you have any questions and good luck!
The grading rubric for this assignment is attached below.
DISCLAIMER: Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.