Posted: June 30th, 2022
Explain and discuss implications for marketing strategy
Consumer Behavior Case Application Paper
Case: “Vespanomics”
Case studies offer opportunity to consider hypothetical situations. This Assignment requires you to provide analysis and recommendations based upon the information presented in the case plus application of information from the textbook and from at least three additional relevant journal articles you choose from the Kaplan Library. Opinions should be supported using concepts and terms from these quality resources.
This is a formal analysis; write in a style that reflects graduate-level work. This will include an objective perspective, third person voice, and lack of contractions and slang expressions. All references should contain appropriate citations and the paper and content must follow APA formatting rules.
Use the template provided in Doc Sharing as your starting point to complete this Assignment. This template is already APA formatted and includes each of the areas as described below. Download the template onto your own computer and save the document with a distinct name representing you and this Assignment.
1. Brand Image: Describe and support your decisions about what brand image Vespa was trying to create in the early part of this decade through its advertising, guerilla tactics, and boutiques as compared and contrasted with what brand image is emphasized with is Vespanomics Platform.
2. Types of Consumer Problems: Before $4-per-gallon gasoline, was the need for a Vespa Scooter considered “an active problem” or an “inactive problem”? Explain and discuss implications for marketing strategy decision-making.
3. Market Segmentation: Describe what you currently see as at least three segments of the market for Vespa and other scooters. Describe the different needs, demographics, and psychographics for owning a scooter for each of the three segments you described.
4. Value-Expressive versus Utilitarian Appeal: Especially in a time of $4-per-gallon gasoline and concerns about the environment, discuss how Vespa can be both a utilitarian decision and a value-expressive decision.
5. Activism Segment: Choose one of the six environmental activism segments discussed on page 90 that Vespa appeals to most and explain, using compare and contrast, why you choose this particular segment.