Posted: May 11th, 2022
Expensefevenue an the Inanrne statement 1M! m- – m- – _-_ – The fallawing balances are excerpted from the Campanfs balance sheets Prepaid Insurance
Expensefevenue an the Inanrne assertion 1M! m- – m- – _-_ – The fallawing balances are excerpted from the Campanfs steadiness sheets Pay as you go Insurance coverage
Im having a little bit of bother figuring what accounts go debit or credit score within the T accounts, and break them downI suppose my solutions are proper in ( Ins. premium paid, Rental funds, Curiosity obtained, Curiosity paid, and salaries paid). PLEASE HELP! THX
Exp:Insurance coverage Exp 25200 T- accounts Pay as you go ins. = Dr. 1300 + ?=1800, ?= 500 { 1300 +500=1800) Ins. Exp: Dr. 25200+500 = 25700 (Steadiness of $25700) Money? 25200
Pay as you go Insurance coverage 500Insurance coverage Premium paid 500.
and the insurance coverage premium can be $ 25,700.
Obtain attachment
Expensefflevenue an the Inanrne assertion 1M! —
The fallawing balances are excerpted from the Campanfs steadiness sheets Pay as you go Insurance coverage
repaid Lease
nterEt Receivable
InterEt Payable
Salaries Payable ‘D Iléggggllggggg Insurance coverage premium paid’:I
Rental paymenls?
nterEt Obtained?
InterEt Paid ? Salaries Paid’:I IIIIIIIIIIIIIII