Posted: May 1st, 2022
Exercise physiology concepts are at the foundation of human movement.
Exercise Physiology
Analysis Paper
Spring 2022
Due Date – TBA
Exercise physiology concepts are at the foundation of human movement. The content you are
learning in the course can be applied to any activity to explain why the body works the way it
does. The purpose of this project is for you to apply concepts learned during the course to a
selected physical activity / exercise in terms of the physiological adjustments and adaptations
that occur during exercise.
Choose an exercise activity or sport that you participate in, watch on a regular basis, or have an
interest in analyzing. Select the specific position if choosing a sport. Submit your idea to the
instructor for approval. If your project is not approved, it may receive a grade of zero. If you are
retaking this course, you must select a different topic. You may not use any work that you have
submitted for another class.
I. Describe the activity in detail (assume the instructor has no knowledge of the activity).
II. Analyze the exercise / sport from an exercise physiology perspective. When applicable,
include typical / realistic physiological values in your response.
A. Metabolism
a. What is the predominant energy system being used? What is the contribution
of the other energy systems? Justify your responses.
b. What is the predominant fuel being utilized? If RER could be measured,
would be a typical RER during participation on this activity? Justify your
c. Describe what training methods you would use to improve the metabolic
performance in this activity.
B. Cardiovascular
a. What changes occur in heart rate throughout the activity? Describe the
physiological mechanisms that cause HR to change for this activity.
b. What changes would stroke volume change during participation of the
activity? Describe the physiological mechanisms that cause SV to change for
this activity.
c. What changes in cardiac output would occur during participation of the
activity and why?
d. What is the blood pressure response during this type of activity and why?
e. What long-term (chronic) adaptations might occur in resting and exercise
heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output as a result of continued
participation in the activity.
C. Respiratory
a. Describe the minute ventilation response during a normal session of this
b. What is a-VO2 difference and how will this activity affect it acutely? Why?
c. What long-term (chronic) adaptations might occur in minute ventilation and aVO2 difference as a result of participation in this sport / activity?
D. Neuromuscular / Training
a. What is the predominant muscle fiber type(s) would be used during this
activity? Justify your response.
b. What kind of fiber distribution would enhance success for this activity?
Justify your response.
c. What long-term (chronic) neuromuscular adaptations would you expect to
observe? Be sure to give physiological rationale to support your answer.
d. Describe what training methods you would use to improve performance in this
activity. Be sure to give physiological rationale to support your response.
III. Summary / Reflection
Provide an overall summary of your analysis. In addition to the summary of your analysis,
include a discussion on how applying concepts exercise physiology to your selected topic
enhanced your understanding of subject matter (if the project did not enhance your
understanding explain why).
Your paper should follow a standard paragraph format and address the contents set forth above.
Include a cover page with your exercise / sport analyzed, name, date and course. There is no
required length to your paper, you should answer the questions cohesively and with significant
depth. Grammar and punctuation will be taken into consideration.
You may use your notes, textbook, or other resources. If/when using resources, you should
phrase the resources in your own words and make sure to cite appropriately (use APA citation
style). Note – Plagiarism can result in a failing grade for the assignment and possibly for the
course. Again, using your own work submitted in other/previous classes (including this one) will
constitute as plagiarism.
Your paper will be graded on the following areas: content, organization, and writing mechanics.
An excellent paper will be in paragraph form, flow in order of the instructions and provide
accurate detail and regarding your selected exercise and concepts of exercise physiology.
Analysis of Exercise Physiology Paper
Spring of 2022
TBD (To Be Determined)
Human movement is built on notions from exercise physiology. The information you’re providing
The knowledge gained in the course can be used to any activity to explain why the body functions the way it does.
does. The goal of this assignment is for you to apply concepts learnt in the course to a real-world situation.
Physical activity / exercise was chosen based on physiological modifications and adaptations.
that arise during physical activity
Select a workout activity or sport in which you participate, observe on a regular basis, or have an interest.
a desire to analyze If you want to play a sport, choose a specific position. Submit your concept to the
for clearance from the teacher If your project is not approved, you may be given a grade for it.