Posted: April 20th, 2022
Exercise # 4 QUAL8320
Student Name:
Exercise # 4
Course Name:
Date Assigned:
Date Due:
1) This assignment will be completed individually
2) You will use the Word, PowerPoint and other tools you feel appropriate for this exercise
3) Your work must be your own
4) Each deliverable should be clear and simple to read
Using the methodologies and tools we discussed in Strategy Development and Deployment you will build your own Strategies for a fictional company – BikePro.
First, read the short narrative of the BikePro bicycle corporation’s external and internal environments.
1. Complete a SWOT analysis using the four Quadrants layout
2. Develop major strategies using the match between strengths and threats
3. Develop major strategies using the match between opportunities and weaknesses
Submit using assignment tool.
Late assignment will lose 10% per day for 2 days and then will get a zero.
Follow reporting and assignment guidelines.
Length – 3-5 pages excluding cover page as 1 PDF file.
Use default normal Calibri font size of 11
Your evaluation will be held to the following rules and constraints. These rules are firm and are irrefutable.
• Failure to submit this completed deliverable will result in a grade of zero (0) on this deliverable.
o There will be no opportunity provided to make up for this missed deliverable or raise your grade.
o In the instance that the failure to submit this work results in a grade of zero (0) that ultimately causes an overall course grade below fifty-five (55) then there will be no opportunity to perform any work, tests, activities or tasks to raise your grade above the failing mark.
• It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that their work has been submitted through eConestoga, on-time, to the correct course and in the correct folder.
o If you submit your work to the incorrect folder then you may not receive any grade for your work. This will be completely up to the discretion of your Instructor.
o If you, the student, submit your file to the wrong folder or course on eConestoga then you must simply resubmit to the correct folder.
• To pass this course you are required to submit every single deliverable.
o If you have failed to submit any work by the end of the course your Instructor reserves the right to assign a final course grade of incomplete (I) or failure (F) for your performance in the entire course.
Your work, once submitted through eConestoga, will be evaluated based on the following criteria.
Please note that professionalism of presentation, while not a specific evaluation criterion, may influence your overall grade for this deliverable if the work produced is significantly lower, or higher, than what would be expected from a professional submission. Items that will be taken into consideration as part of professionalism would include:
1. Sentence structure and grammar
2. Spelling
3. Clear formatting
4. Choice of language and terminology
5. Clarity of structure (readability)
Submission Details
Course: QUAL8320
Submission: Assignment Folder on eConestoga
Folder: Exercise #4
Work Type: Individual
File Type(s): PDF
# of Files: 1
You must submit both of your files as PDF documents due to eConestoga readability limitations.
You will need to submit your own work.
All submissions must adhere to the programs naming convention. For details regarding this naming convention documentation can be retrieved from the How-To module, within the Support module for your course on eConestoga, file name “O3 – Student Submissions Naming Convention – ver1.0.PDF.” If this is group work you must include your group members names within your work and within the NOTES section of your dropbox submission. Submitting your work with an improper file type may result in a grade of zero (0) being assigned.
1) By submitting your work through Conestoga College’s eConestoga dropbox you hereby affirm that;
a. You are in complete understanding of, and accept in full, the Academic Integrity Policy and Violation of Academic Integrity Policy of Conestoga College. If you are not familiar with these policies it is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with them, in full, before submitting any work through eConestoga.
b. The work that you have submitted is your own work and has not been: taken, replicated, duplicated or copied in any way from any source inside or outside of the classroom.
c. Your work will be retained and indexed by for academic honesty and comparison purposes.
2) If you share your work with, or use the work of, others then your grade, along with the grade of any other participating student, will be adjusted to reflect this infraction and you will face academic penalties including, but not limited to;
• Discontinuance for Conestoga for a minimum of 12 months and a failing grade for all current courses.
• A failed grade for the course and suspension from Conestoga College for an undetermined length of time.
• A failed grade for the course, which may result in your inability to continue in your Program.
• A failed grade for the deliverable on which the Academic Integrity Policy was violated.
3) will compare the values and data of each student submission against submissions from;
• Your current classmates, including all submissions they have made in the past or present.
• Former students of your program as well as students from other intakes for your program.
• Students enrolled in any course or program at Conestoga College, past or present.
• A perpetually growing database of work from 26 million students from Colleges and Universities worldwide.
• More than 12 billion webpages including all mainstream data sites, repositories and wikis.
• Direct quotations taken from any source will be identified by and will require Instructor review, it is, therefore, imperative that you cite any work(s) taken from other sources following proper APA form