Posted: January 28th, 2022
Example Nursing Picot Questions
Example Nursing Picot Questions
Using PICO to Formulate Clinical Questions
PICO (alternately known as PICOT) is a mnemonic used to describe the four elements of a good clinical question. It stands for:
Many people find that it helps them clarify their question, which in turn makes it easier to find an answer.
Use PICO to generate terms – these you’ll use in your literature search for the current best evidence. Once you have your PICO terms, you can then use them to re-write your question. (Note, you can do this in reverse order if that works for you.)
Often we start with a vague question such as, “How effective is CPR, really?” But, what do we mean by CPR? And how do we define effective? PICO is a technique to help us – or force us – to answer these questions. Note that you may not end up with a description for each element of PICO.
P – our question above doesn’t address a specific problem other than the assumption of a person who is not breathing. So, ask yourself questions such as, am I interested in a specific age cohort? (Adults, children, aged); a specific population (hospitalized, community dwelling); health cohort (healthy, diabetic, etc.)
I – our question above doesn’t have a stated intervention, but we might have one in mind such as ‘hands-only’
C – Is there another method of CPR that we want to compare the hands-only to? Many research studies do not go head to head with a comparison. In this example we might want to compare to the standard, hands plus breathing
O – Again, we need to ask, what do we mean by ‘effective’? Mortality is one option with the benefit that it’s easily measured.
Our PICO statement would look like: P – community dwelling adults I – hands only CPR C – hands plus breathing CPR O – mortality
From our PICO, we can write up a clearer and more specific question, such as:
In community dwelling adults, how effective is hands-only CPR versus hands plus breathing CPR at preventing mortality?
More on PICO & Clinical questions
We can use our PICO statement to list terms to search on. Under each letter, we’ll list all the possible terms we might use in our search.
P – Community Dwelling: It is much easier to search on ‘hospitalized’ than non-hospitalized subjects. So I would leave these terms for last. It might turn out that I don’t need to use them as my other terms from the I, C, or O of PICO might be enough.
community dwelling OR out-of-hospital
P – adults: I would use the limits in MEDLINE or CINAHL for All Adults. Could also consider the following depending upon the population you need:
adult OR adults OR aged OR elderly OR young adult
CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation
I – Hands-only
hands-only OR compression-only OR chest compression OR compression OR Heart Massage
CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation
C – Hands plus breathing Breathing is a tougher term to match.
breathing OR mouth to mouth OR conventional OR traditional
O – Mortality: If your outcomes terms are general, they may not as useful in the literature search. They will still be useful in your evaluation of the studies.
mortality OR death OR Survival
Putting it together – a search statement from the above might look like this:
cardiopulmonary resuscitation AND (hands-only OR compression-only OR chest compression OR compression OR Heart Massage) AND (breathing OR mouth to mouth OR conventional OR traditional)
Note that the above strategy is only using terms from the I and the C of PICO. Depending upon the results, you may need to narrow your search by adding in terms from the P or the O.
The PICO Questions: Overview with Examples
Instances of PICO Questions
PICO Questions for Emergency Nursing
List of Pediatric PICO Questions
PICO Questions for Oncology Patients
PICO Questions for Cardiac Patients
PICO Questions for Geriatrics
PICO Questions for Stroke Patients
PICO Questions for ICU Patients
PICO Questions for Pressure Ulcers
PICO Questions for Maternal Nursing
PICO Questions for Mental Health
PICO Questions for Psychiatric Nursing
PICO Questions about Cancer
PICO Questions for Cardiovascular Disease
PICO Questions for Dementia
PICO Questions for Depression
PICO Questions for Med Surgery
PICO Questions for Obesity
PICO Questions for PACU
PICO Questions for Physical Therapy
PICO Questions for Pregnancy
PICO Questions for Hypertension
PICO Questions for Occupational Therapy
PICO Questions Orthopedics
PICO Questions Related to Sepsis
PICO Questions Speech Pathology
Professional Help with Nursing Picot Question Topics
PICOT questions examples
Examples of PICOT questions are illustrated below
In patients aging 45 years and above (P), how does the application of an influenza vaccine (I) related (compared) to not obtaining the vaccine © influence the possibility of contracting pneumonia (O) during the period of flu season (T)?
Are children (P) who are taken care by obese adoptive guardians or parents (I) at more risk of being affected by obesity (O) related to children (P) without obese adoptive guardians or parents © during the ages between 5 and 18 (T)?
The Above examples illustrate how a question can be constructed by applying the PICOT format and determines how it affects the research for outcomes and evidence.
Example Nursing Picot Questions
PICO Questions for Emergency Nursing
Electronic medical record (EMR) system is an organized method of collecting, encoding, and storing patient and hospital information digitally. Evidence shows that EMR can improve patient outcomes by increased staff productivity, improved communication, improved quality of care, and reduced medical errors.
P: Staff nurses in the emergency department (ED) of a tertiary academic hospital in District A
I: electronic medical record system
C: Staff nurses in the ED of a tertiary academic hospital in District B
O: Patient admission time
Question: Does the use of an electronic medical record system in a tertiary academic hospital have an effect on patient waiting time?
Intussusception is a medical emergency among pediatric patients where the intestines telescope into a distal portion causing bowel obstructions. If left undiagnosed and untreated, this condition can be fatal within five days. Surgical intervention is a conservative way of treating intussusception, however, improved patient recovery is observed among pediatric patients who are treated with surgery and water enema.
P: Pediatric patients who were admitted in the ED because of intussusception
I: Surgical intervention alone
C: Pediatric patients who were admitted in the ED because of intussusception and who received both ultrasound-guided water enema reduction and surgical intervention
O: Recovery time
Question: In pediatric patients who were admitted in the ED because of intussusception, how effective is surgical intervention alone compared to ultrasound-guided water enema reduction and surgical intervention in the patient’s recovery (time)?
List of Pediatric PICO Questions
Croup treatment among pediatric patients usually includes the use of dexamethasone combined with nebulized epinephrine for the relief of airway constriction relief. The conventional dose of nebulized epinephrine is 0.5mg/kg of 1:1000 in patients to treat moderate to severe croup. However, research shows that the use of 0.1 mg/kg nebulized epinephrine also relieves airway constriction.
P: Pediatric patients aged 6 months to 5 years old diagnosed with severe croup admitted in three pediatric emergency departments
I: Use of 0.1 mg/kg dose of nebulized epinephrine as an adjunct to dexamethasone
C: Pediatric patients aged 6 months to 5 years old admitted in three pediatric emergency departments who were nebulized with 0.5 mg/kg conventional epinephrine dose
O: Relief of severe airway constriction
Question: In pediatric patients aged 6 months to 5 years old diagnosed with severe croup admitted in three pediatric emergency departments, how does the use of 0.1 mg/kg dose of nebulized epinephrine in combination with dexamethasone relieve severe airway constriction compared to the 0.5 mg/kg conventional epinephrine dose?
Stress ulcer prophylaxis is considered standard care among critically ill patients in the intensive care unit. Scientific evidence demonstrates that the use of proton pump inhibitors as prophylaxis help prevent the development of stress ulcers among ICU pediatric patients.
P: Pediatric patients admitted in the critical care unit of one medium-sized public hospital
I: Use of proton pump inhibitors as prophylaxis to stress ulcers
C: Pediatric patients admitted in the critical care unit of one medium-sized public hospital receiving histamine-2-receptor antagonists as prophylaxis to stress ulcers
O: Shorter ICU stay
Question: Does the use of proton pump inhibitors as prophylaxis to stress ulcers compared to those who are receiving histamine-2-receptor antagonists shorten the ICU stay of pediatric patients admitted in the critical care unit of one medium-sized public hospital?
PICOT Questions
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Nursing Assignment Help – PICOT. Literature review paper guidelines
Formulate a research question or topic with problem statement and which should be reflecting on one of nursing theories or conceptual frameworks (Use a PICOT format; PICOT = Population, Intervention, Comparison Group, Observation and Time. )
Then, Read through the articles carefully. Eliminate those not appropriate. It is suggested that you create a summary table. There is an example in the course text to help you organize your thoughts ( COURSE BOOK chapter 4,5,6,7) Synthesize six or more full text research articles, beyond your textbooks, that are relevant to your research. Summarize what the studies reveal about your selected topic. Are there consistencies? Are there inconsistencies or “gaps”? Be sure to keep the table of information you developed and the six or more articles as you build on the course assignments. The table itself will not be part of the content in your paper; it may be included as Appendix.
Course book- must use as a reference:
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins.
Literature Review Rubric
Literature Review Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
Abstract: brief summary of the direction of the project
8.0 pts 0.0 pts 8.0 pts
Introduction to problem or issue in practicum setting
6.0 pts 0.0 pts 6.0 pts
Literature Review: 6 single, original research articles (NO systematic reviews, meta-analyses, or meta-syntheses) as to purpose, question, methodology, analysis, and results. Tabular format is recommended
36.0 pts 0.0 pts 36.0 pts
Analysis: Systematically analyzes and evaluates relevance and validity of articles.
15.0 pts 0.0 pts 15.0 pts
Gaps in literature identified.
5.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pts
Research Questions: Posed for pilot study and flow directly from the review of literature.
10.0 pts 0.0 pts 10.0 pts
Follows appropriate spelling and grammar.
5.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pts
References (within past 5 years): current and relevant to topic Utilizes at least 10 appropriate scholarly research sources beyond textbooks.
5.0 pts 0.0 pts 5.0 pts
Follows appropriate APA format
10.0 pts 0.0 pts 10.0 pts
Total Points: 100.0
Sample 2
Nursing Assignment on PICO
This assignment must be completed on the template provided.
In this assessment you will create 1 clinical question using the PICO format labeling each portion of the question. Then search the literature to find 3 articles related to your clinical question. List the articles in APA format.
Differentiate between research questions and clinical questions
Discuss the steps for appraising the literature for clinical application
STEP 3. Open the template on your computer. Fill in the portions of the template with your question and 3 APA references.
STEP 4. Refer to APA book for correctly formatting the references.
the article age should less than 5 years, use the attached file and filled out template
Comments from Customer
hello dear regarding this assignment there is a couple of instructions which I added here
You will use the document in the assignment instructions and create 1 clinical question using the PICO format.
You will list your clinical question on the first line
Label each specific portion of the question in the P-I-C-O section
You will then search the literature to find 3 articles related to that clinical question. Articles related to the PICO process in general will not count toward your reference requirement. It is in this section that you will cite your 3 references
Important– the 2 additional questions of the assignment should focus on your clinical question and NOT as a generalization regarding PICO questions. If answered as a generalization, 3 points will be deducted.
Assignment must be completed on the template provided in the assignment instructions.
Do not use soap and water vs gel question, the adult wart, menopausal women with osteopenia, PKU testing of 2-week-old infants, or hypertension and home monitoring as your PICO question; these are specific examples given in the required reading at the end of the Evidence-Based Practice activity and in the course presentation and cannot be used. If such an example is used it will be an automatic 6 point deduction.
Sample 3
Review the Topic Materials and formulate a PICOT statement for your capstone project.
A PICOT starts with a designated patient population in a particular clinical area and identifies clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care. The intervention should be an independent, specified nursing change intervention. The intervention cannot require a provider prescription. Include a comparison to a patient population not currently receiving the intervention, and specify the timeframe needed to implement the change process.
Formulate a PICOT statement using the PICOT format provided in the assigned readings. The PICOT statement will provide a framework for your capstone project.
In a paper of 500-750 words, clearly identify the clinical problem and how it can result in a positive patient outcome.
Make sure to address the following on the PICOT statement:
Evidence-Based Solution
Nursing Intervention
Patient Care
Health Care Agency
Nursing Practice
Prepare this assignment with APA FORMAT
Writing Clinical Questions using PICO
PICOT is a mnemonic for the four components of a good clinical query. It means:
I–Intervention sC–Comparison
Many people feel it helps them clarify their query, making finding an answer easier.
Use PICO to generate terms for your literature search. Once you have your PICO keywords, rewrite your question. (You can do this in reverse if you choose.)
We often begin by asking, “How effective is CPR?” But, what is CPR? And what is effective? PICO is a tool to assist us answer these issues. You may not have a description for every PICO element.
P – our question above assumes a person who is not breathing. So, ask yourself: Am I interested in a specific age group? (adults, children, seniors); a health cohort (hospitalized, community-dwelling) (healthy, diabetic, etc.)
Our question above doesn’t specify an intervention, but we might consider ‘hands-only’.
C – Is there any type of CPR we can compare it to? Many research papers do not compare. In this case, compare hands plus breathing to the standard.
O – What do we mean by ‘effective’? One alternative is mortality, which is easily assessed.
Our PICO would be: Adults in the community Just hands CPR Hands + breathing CPR O – death
From our PICO, we may ask a more precise inquiry like:
How effective is hands-only CPR versus hands plus breathing CPR in avoiding mortality in community-dwelling adults?
PICO & Clinical Questions
Our PICO statement can list search terms. We’ll provide all possible search words under each letter.
Inpatients are easier to seek for than non-inpatients. So I’ll save these for last. It may be that my other terms from PICO’s I, C, and O suffice.
OR out-of-hospital
Adults: I’d utilize MEDLINE or CINAHL’s All Adults limitations. Depending on the demographic, you might also consider:
adolescent OR adolescent
Carboxypulmonary resuscitation
Hands-only OR chest compression OR Heart Massage
Carboxypulmonary resuscitation
Hands + breathing Breathing is more difficult.
mouth-to-mouth OR classic OR
O – Mortality: General outcomes phrases may not be as relevant in research searches. They will still be valuable in your study evaluation.
OR Survival OR Death
Combining the above, a search sentence might look like this:
(hands-only OR chest compression OR compression OR Heart Massage) AND (breathing OR mouth to mouth OR conventional OR traditional)
The above technique solely uses terms from PICO’s I and C. Depending on the results, you may need to add P or O terms to your search.
The PICO Questions: An Overview
PICO Question Examples
PICO Questions for EMTs
PICO Questions for Kids
Oncology PICO Questions
PICO Cardiac Questions
Geriatric PICO Questions
PICO Stroke Questions
ICU PICO Questions
Pressure Ulcer PICO Questions
PICO Questions for Mothers
PICO Mental Health Questions
PICO Nursing Questions
PICO Cancer Questions
PICO Questions for CVD
PICO Dementia Questions
PICO Depression Questions
PICO Questions for Obesity
PACU PICO Questions
PICO Questions for PT
PICO Pregnancy Questions
PICO Hypertension Questions
PICO Questions for OT
PICO Orthopedics
PICO Questions on Sepsis
PICO Q&A Help with Nursing from Speech Pathology Picot Q&A
PICOT examples
Here are some PICOT questions.
How does the use of an influenza vaccine (I) affect the risk of pneumonia (O) in individuals aged 45 and older (P)?
Are children (P) with fat adoptive guardians or parents (I) at greater risk of obesity (O) than children (P) without obese adoptive guardians or parents (T)?
The above examples show how to develop a question using the PICOT format and how it influences the study outcomes and evidence.
PICO Questions for EMTs
An electronic medical record (EMR) system collects, encodes, and stores patient and hospital data digitally. In addition to better staff efficiency, EMR has been shown to reduce medical errors and improve patient outcomes.
P: Emergency room nurses at a tertiary university hospital in District A
I: electronic health record
Staff nurses in an ED in District B
O: Patient entry time
Does an electronic medical record system at a tertiary academic hospital reduce patient wait times?
Intussusception occurs when the intestines telescope into a distal section, creating intestinal blockages. Untreated, this illness can be lethal in five days. Intussusception is treated conservatively with surgery and water enema in pediatric patients.
P: Pediatric intussusception patients admitted to the ED
I: Only surgery
The number of pediatric patients who got both ultrasound-guided water enema reduction and surgical surgery for intussusception
O: Rest time
How beneficial is surgical surgery alone compared to ultrasound-guided water enema reduction and surgical intervention in terms of patient recovery (time)?
PICO Questions for Kids
In children with croup, dexamethasone is frequently given with nebulized epinephrine to relieve airway tightness. The usual dose of nebulized epinephrine for mild to severe croup is 0.5mg/kg (1:1000). However, 0.1 mg/kg nebulized epinephrine has been shown to ease airway tightness.
P: Severe croup in children aged 6 months to 5 years in three pediatric ERs
Use of 0.1 mg/kg nebulized epinephrine with dexamethasone
C: Pediatric patients aged 6 months to 5 years nebulized with 0.5 mg/kg conventional epinephrine
Airway constriction relief
What is the difference in severe airway constriction between the administration of 0.1 mg/kg nebulized epinephrine with dexamethasone and 0.5 mg/kg conventional epinephrine?
Stress ulcer prevention is standard in the intensive care unit. Proton pump inhibitors are proven to help reduce stress ulcers in pediatric ICU patients.
Pediatric patients in a medium-sized public hospital’s critical care unit
Proton pump inhibitors as stress ulcer prevention
C: Pediatric kids in a large public hospital’s critical care unit taking histamine-2 receptor antagonists to prevent stress ulcers
O: Less ICU time
Proton pump inhibitors as prophylactic for stress ulcers reduce the ICU stay of pediatric patients admitted to a medium-sized public hospital.
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PICOT Means Population, Intervention, Comparison Group, Observation, and Time.
Then, Examine the articles carefully. Delete those that aren’t. Create a summary table. An example is provided in the course book ( COURSE BOOK chapter 4,5,6,7) Synthesize six or more full-text research articles relevant to your inquiry. Summarize the findings of the studies on your topic. Are there patterns? Consistencies or “gaps”? Keep the table of facts and the six or more articles you wrote as you work on the course assignments. The table itself may be an Appendix to your article.
Course book- must have:
D. F. Polit & C. T. Beck (2017). Nursing research: generating and evaluating evidence (10th ed.). Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia.
Review Rubric
Review Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
a quick description of the project’s direction
8.0 0.0 8.0
Problem or issue in the practicum
6.0 0.0 6.0
Literature Review: 6 original research articles (NO systematic reviews, meta-analyses or meta-syntheses) describing the research questions and methods. Recommended table format
0.0 pts 36.0 pts
Analyzes and evaluates articles’ relevancy and validity.
15.0 0.0 15.0
Literature gaps detected
5.0 0.0 5.0
Research questions posed for pilot project and derived from literature review.
10.0 0.0 10.0
Uses proper spelling and grammar.
5.0 0.0 5.0
References (within 5 years): current and topical Uses at least 10 academic research sources other than textbooks.
5.0 0.0 5.0
Uses proper APA format
10.0 0.0 10.0
100.0 total points
Nursing Assignment 2 on PICO
Work on the supplied template.
In this assessment, you will create 1 clinical question utilizing the PICO approach. Then find three publications that address your clinical query. Cite the articles APA style.
Distinguish between research and clinical questions
Explain how to evaluate literature for clinical use.
SECTION 3: OPEN THE TEMPLATE Fill in the blanks with your query and three APA references.
STEP 4: Format the references according to the APA book.
Use the accompanying file and filled out template to write your article.
Customer Feedback
Hello sweetie, I added some directions to this task.
You will use the document to create 1 clinical question in PICO format.
Your clinical question will be the first line.
Label the P-I-C-O area of the question.
Your next step is to discover three papers linked to that clinical topic. Articles about the PICO procedure in general do not count as references. This is where you will list your three sources.
Your clinical question should be the emphasis of the two additional assignment questions, not PICO questions in general. Answering as a generalization loses 3 points.
The task must be done on the template given.
Avoid using specific examples from the required reading at the end of the Evidence-Based Practice activity and the course presentation as your PICO questions. If this example is used, a 6 point deduction is applied.
thanks s—-
Ex. 3
Prepare a PICOT statement for your capstone project.
A PICOT starts with a specific patient population and discovers clinical concerns or problems that develop from clinical care. It should be a distinct nursing change intervention. The provider cannot prescribe the intervention. Include a comparison to a non-intervention patient population and the duration required to implement the change process.
Formulate a PICOT statement using the readings’ PICOT format. Your capstone project will be framed by the PICOT statement.
Describe the clinical issue in 500-750 words and how it can benefit the patient.
On the PICOT statement, address the following:
Validated Solution
Nursing Action
Nursing Home
NP Practice
Prepare this task in APA FORMAT.