Posted: August 6th, 2022
Examining Genocide against the Uighur population
For this paper, you will once again select a dependent variable (an outcome) that is related to a topic we have covered in the course. Drawing on the assigned reading for the course, you will then develop two distinct hypotheses about what may have caused this dependent variable. You should conclude by identifying the kind of data or observations you would need to know if your hypotheses might be correct.
Topics to choose from:
Connect this class material what does this have to do with democracy To productively apply the scientific method to our understanding of politics, we want to ask more specific questions (and use concepts that make sense):•Why do countries become democratic?•Why do countries remain democratic?•How, when, and why do democratic transitions occur?
Democratic TransitionsBottom-up democratic transition: people rise up to overthrow an authoritarian regime in a popular revolution. Top-down democratic transition: the dictatorial ruling elite introduces liberalizing reforms that ultimately lead to a democratic transition.
You should:
Clearly identify a dependent variable that you are interested in explaining. Your dependent variable must be related in some way to a topic we have covered in class (meaning something related to comparative politics). Be specific. Your dependent variable should be something that can be observed or measured in the world. For instance, if you are interested in explaining protests, then you might choose to think about where Black Lives Matters protests occurred. Your dependent variable is not all protests, but specific Black Lives Matter protests.
Describe 2 distinct hypotheses. Hypotheses are often put in the form of “if, then” statements (although they do not strictly speaking have to be in this format). For instance: If a country has high levels of economic inequality, then Black Lives Matters protests will be more likely. Your hypothesis should not be true by definition and should not follow a circular logic. You must explain why you think this hypothesis might be right without simply paraphrasing or restating the hypotheses. Give examples. For instance: Describe how economic inequality might cause protests like the Black Lives Matter protests. Does economic inequality cause protests because citizens in general think the system is more unfair? Or does inequality tend to mobilize minority groups? Be as specific as possible.
Conclude with a short paragraph thinking about how you might assess the plausibility of your hypotheses. You don’t need to actually find observations or data. You don’t need to test your hypotheses. You should just think about how you might test your hypotheses.
Cite your sources in the text and in a bibliography. I don’t care what format you choose as long as you are consistent throughout your paper. You should cite your sources in the text of the paper and in a correctly formatted bibliography at the end. Be sure to cite appropriate sources. Wikipedia, the CIA World Factbook, Britannica and similar websites are not college-level sources. The BBC country profiles can be a great starting point for learning about a country’s politics, but is also not a college-level source for your paper. Good sources include academic journal articles and books. A good source for articles are the search engines JSTOR and Project Muse
Examining Genocide against the Uighur population
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Examining the allegations behind the genocide against the Uighurs population in China
Several nations globally are democratic, whereby the political landscape is transformed from the dictatorial rule, where policymakers are adopted, activism is allowed, and respect for human rights is paramount. However, there are nations where the extents of democracy are not felt throughout the country. One such like nations being China. Over the past few years, the Chinese government faces a multitude of criticism regarding the allegations of Uighur ill-treatment in Xinjiang (BBC,2021). There are allegations that over a million Uighur women are under detention in the alleged re-education camps. This paper examines the allegations behind the genocide against the Uighurs population in China.
The Uighurs made up mostly of Muslims, live in the northwestern part of China. The community is autonomous, meaning they have some self-governance despite still being under the central government. Over the years, people from mainland China have moved to Xinjiang to tour the Uighur and learn about their culture. Additionally, many people have come out to speak out regarding the Uighur people’s ill-treatment in the detainment at the internment camps. women suffered coerced labor to pick cotton and mass rape sexual assaults. (Curtis, 194) In most places worldwide, citizens protest inhumane acts such as potential slavery and sexual assaults; however, in China, not much is seen or heard.
The United States accuses the Chinese government of committing genocide, whereby it intends to destroy its religious, ethnic, and racial group of the Uighur people. According to the Australian Strategic policy institute, over 380 of the alleged re-education camps in China have an estimated increase of 40% annually (BBC,2021). This is a clear indication that the detention continues to increase and more atrocities are committed. Notably, through the re-education camps, the Chinese government is attempting to strip the Uighur people of their culture and religion to convert them to Chinese-oriented religion. One hypothesis a nation that attempts to strips its citizens of their identity violates the human rights it is supposed to protect.
In a democratic state, there are likely to be a protest of harassment and cases of mistreatments as a way to express their grievances; however, the Chinese government has tried to overshadow the efforts. One hypothesis is that there are likely pasts of dictatorial ruling whereby people are held against their will in camps and coerced to forced labor with the government’s knowledge. Additionally, their privacy is breached since people are put under a surveillance network to monitor their behaviors. The Chinese government claims that the Uighur detention allegations are untrue, claiming that the crackdown aims at eradicating Islamist extremists while the re-education camps are for inmates (Garwood-Gowers,26).
Another hypothesis is that if a country is under intense government surveillance, there is less likely to protest against assaults. Without the avenues or means to protest and air out their grievances, citizens under strict surveillance can only hope for the outside nations to speak out on their behalf. Additionally, the fear of consequences resulting from speaking out has led to many men and women suffering coerced labor, sexual assault, or any other forms of mistreatment (Byman,12). When nations, such as the united states, spoke out, it has since redirected all focus from the world to the Uighur people who seek to find the basis of citizens’ detention in the alleged re-education camps.
Works Cited
. Byman, DANIEL L., and I. S. R. A. A. Saber. “Is China prepared for global terrorism.” Xinjiang and beyond. (September) (2019): 1-16.
Curtis, David. “Concerns about medical abuses against Uighurs in China.” The Lancet 397.10270 (2021): 193-194.
Garwood-Gowers, Andrew. “China and the Uighurs: Options for Legal Accountability.” Global Responsibility to Protect 13.1 (2021): 24-28.
BBC, Feb,2021 March 22, 2021)