Posted: May 1st, 2022
Evidence-based practice is a major emphasis in modern health care and is necessitated
Evidence-based practice is a major emphasis in modern health care and is necessitated for maintaining patient safety (Horntvedt et al., 2018). Practice decisions should be based on the best available evidence, patient values, and the goal of delivering safe and efficient care (Williams & Cullen, 2016). Dissemination of evidence-based practice outcomes requires distributing information and therapies to a specified public health or clinical practice audience. The major purpose of dissemination is to increase the availability and spread of information on evidence-based treatments in order to enhance their usage and patient outcomes. Evidence-based initiatives may be disseminated in a number of methods, including unit-level or organizational-level presentations, podium presentations at organizational and poster presentations, local, regional, state, and national levels, and publishing in peer-reviewed journals. The distribution tactics employed are dictated by the desired audience. This article focuses on poster presentations and podium presentations.
Dissemination strategies
The method I would use is to present at professional organization conferences, most notably the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. The professional organization would be an excellent platform for communicating the proposition to a large number of nurses. During the conference, I would consult and converse with other nursing specialists in person. Because of the possibility of direct and immediate engagement between presenter and listener, active techniques are seen to be preferable to passive ones for instructional activities. Another advantage of presentations is that they may be used to distribute research findings while the author is awaiting publication.
Barriers to dissemination strategies
One major disadvantage of oral dissemination is the cost of permitting the presenter and listener to be in the same location, which might be excessively costly. The multiplicity of disciplines may result in a biased view of contemporary academic areas. Because the presentations are primarily oriented at other researchers rather than doctors, the research presented is often not directly applicable to practice, making conferences less valuable to clinicians. Another problem with oral presentations is that they only reach a limited number of people, the ones in the room if they are not recorded. One strategy to fight this is to increase the number of sponsors for the event. The cost of the venue would be reduced for both the organizers and the guests as a result of this. You may also make the event bigger; more guests means a lower charge per person. To compensate for the restricted reach of oral presentations, the speech may be a live broadcast, videotaped, and shared on social media.
Overcoming dissemination barriers
The findings of the research may be disseminated in a variety of ways, including formal or informal presentations at professional conferences, publications in a variety of professional journals, and poster sessions. Posters shown at conferences allow for discussion and explanation of research techniques and conclusions, as well as aesthetic presentation. As an approach to staff development, posters may be utilized to emphasize the findings of other people’s research on specific therapeutic challenges. A well-designed poster summarizes the study’s topic, research methods, sample size, results, and implications. One downside of this method is that most poster presentations attract audiences with similar interests. Another downside of posters is that if the event information change after the posters have been produced, you must remove all prior posters and replace them. Making posters more generic, or creating many posters that meet the interests of various groups, might attract a bigger audience. The posters should be visually appealing while also being educational. Organizers might use social media channels to broadcast the most current information in the event of a date or venue change until fresh posters can be made to counteract change of date notions. Dissemination of research findings is a critical initial step toward knowledge translation and practice change. Presenting research at professional gatherings provides for faster distribution of research results(Edwards, 2015)
Edwards, D. J. (2015). Dissemination of research results: on the path to practice change. The Canadian journal of hospital pharmacy, 68(6), 465.
Horntvedt, M.-E. T., Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching evidence-based practice in nursing education: a thematic literature
review. BMC Medical Education, 18(1).
Williams, J. L., & Cullen, L. (2016). Evidence into practice: Disseminating an evidence-based practice project as a poster. Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing, 31(5), 440-444.
Evidence-based practice is a significant focus in modern health care and is required to ensure patient safety (Horntvedt et al., 2018). Decisions on practice should be based on the greatest available evidence, patient values, and the objective of providing safe and efficient care (Williams & Cullen, 2016). The dissemination of evidence-based practice outcomes necessitates the dissemination of information and therapies to a specific public health or clinical practice audience. The primary goal of dissemination is to promote the availability and transmission of information about evidence-based treatments in order to improve their utilization and patient outcomes. Evidence-based initiatives may be disseminated in a number of methods, including unit-level or organizational-level presentations, podium presentations at organizational and poster presentations, local, regional, state, and national levels, and publishing in peer-reviewed journals. The distribution