Posted: September 5th, 2023
Ethical relativists hold that our values are relative to our culture and there is essentially no objective right and wrong
Ethical relativists hold that our values are relative to our culture and there is essentially no objective right and wrong. Another form of ethical relativism is cultural ethical relativism in which society shapes the ethical values and provides the foundation for moral judgments. Cultural ethical relativism explains why ethical viewpoints differ from society to society and that neither is considered correct or incorrect.
Discussion Question
Prepare for this discussion by completing your readings and viewings. Then respond to the following:
•Comedian Louis C.K. is skillful in capturing the cognitive dissonance we experience between our moral beliefs and our actual moral behavior. To what extent is Louis C.K. right that our lives are evil? How might the theory of ethical or cultural relativism help us in our approach to this question?
•What are the three most important virtues by which you live? Identify any comedian or any form of comic medium that represents these virtues and describe the representation. Please include a link to a clip (or article) that best illustrates your point
M1D2 Ethics
I support the arguments of Louis C.K on examining the cognitive dissonance among the moral behaviors and actual actions of the people. In most occasions, people are living in a capitalist society, which does not care about other people within the society. For example, in the world, people are dying out of starvation while other people have much money they do not even need (Rosenstand, 2012). The moral behavior of people reveals that they are evil, as they never take actions to help others.
Moreover, I agree with Louis that people are selfish a human behavior which reveals the evil nature of the people. For example, you see a person driving into the wrong lane of the highways risking the life of many people due avoid traffic congestion in the cities. It is clear that people are always seeking to act with good morals, but they end up doing the wrong things for their interests (Rosenstand, 2012). Regarding ethical relativism, I think it explains that ethical principles and the traditional customers help in creating a sense morality. People should try to act with the customs and ethical codes to avoid being evil.
The three most important virtues I live by including honesty, humility, and positive attitude. The virtues help in growing my strong mentality in doing good things and accommodating other people in the society. For example, it is always appropriate, to be honest through actions to support the goodwill. Both humility and positive attitude virtues are critical in supporting my ability to be patient and live positively. Thus, the virtues are critical in developing my ethical compliance and progress. The comedian piece by Michael Connell explains the importance of people being honest and avoiding deception at all times. The comedian piece is useful in providing ethical virtues to support quality and good lives amongst the people (Connell, 2014). It also represents the good virtues needed to improve the people’s lives in the society.
Connell, M. (2014, November 27th).The only good is virtue. Retrieved from
Rosenstand, N. (2012). The moral of the story: An introduction to ethics. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Higher Education.