Posted: February 21st, 2022
Ethical And Legal Nursing X 2 ( Due: 24 Hours)
1) **********minimum 2 full pages (1 page each document) ( not words)**************************** (cover or reference page not included)
2)¨**********APA norms (All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraphs- bulleted responses are not accepted- do not write in the first person.)
3)********** It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign
4) Minimum 4 references not older than 5 years
5) Each answer must be identified according to the question number. Check the list of questions. Your answer should start objectively answering the question
You must answer (4) question 2 times.
You must submit 2 documents (each 1 page).
Copy and paste will not be admitted.
You should address the questions with different wording, different references, but always, objectively answering the questions.
Nursing care is frequently perceived by the public as simple and unskilled. Many male nurses live in fear of how their caring actions might be interpreted. Many nurses hold that stereotypes about the profession are true, just as the general public does. Public identity and image has been a struggle for nurses for a long time. The greater public clearly does not understand what professional nursing is all about, and the nursing profession has done a poor job of correcting long-standing, historically inaccurate stereotypes.
1. What are the common nursing stereotypes?
2. What was the role of the Center for Nursing Advocacy? Discuss the role of Truth about Nursing in addressing inaccurate or negative portrayals of nursing in the media and the process they use to raise public and professional awareness of the issues surrounding nursing public image?
3. What are some of the ways of changing nursing’s image in the public eye?
4. One of the most important strategies needed to change nursing’s image is to change the image of nursing in the mind of the image makers. What are some of the key ways for nurses to interact with the media?