Posted: April 14th, 2022
Ethical And Legal Aspect Of Nursing Practice And Nursing And The Aging Family (Due 20 And 40 Hours)
APA format
1) Minimum 12 pages (No word count per page)- Follow the 3 x 3 rule: minimum three paragraphs per page
You must strictly comply with the number of paragraphs requested per page.
Part 1: minimum 1 page (20 hours)
Part 2: minimum 1 page (20 hours)
Part 3: minimum 1 page (20 hours)
Part 4: minimum 1 page (20 hours)
Part 5: minimum 1 page (20 hours)
Part 6: minimum 1 page (20 hours)
Part 7: minimum 3 pages (40 hours)
Part 8: minimum 3 pages (40 hours)
Submit 1 document per part
2)¨******APA norms
All paragraphs must be narrative and cited in the text- each paragraph
Bulleted responses are not accepted
Don’t write in the first person
Don’t copy and paste the questions.
Answer the question objectively, do not make introductions to your answers, answer it when you start the paragraph
Submit 1 document per part
3)****************************** It will be verified by Turnitin (Identify the percentage of exact match of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
********************************It will be verified by SafeAssign (Identify the percentage of similarity of writing with any other resource on the internet and academic sources, including universities and data banks)
4) Minimum 3 references (APA format) per part not older than 5 years (Journals, books) (No websites)
All references must be consistent with the topic-purpose-focus of the parts. Different references are not allowed.
5) Identify your answer with the numbers, according to the question. Start your answer on the same line, not the next
Q 1. Nursing is XXXXX
Q 2. Health is XXXX
6) You must name the files according to the part you are answering:
Part 1.doc
Part 2.doc
Part 1: Ethics
Topic: Professional Identity and Image
1. What are the common nursing stereotypes?
2. What was the role of the Center for Nursing Advocacy?
3. Discuss the role of Truth about Nursing in addressing
a.Inaccurate or negative portrayals of nursing in the media
b. The process do they use to raise public and professional awareness of the issues surrounding nursing public image
4. What are some of the ways of changing nursing’s image in the public eye?
Part 2: Ethics
Case Study: As professional Registered Nurses we must have an understanding and grasp of the policy process and how are influence an create change. There is rapid change happening all around us. Please answer the following questions:
1. What are the most significant nursing issues being debated in the policy arena?
-Nurses are reluctant to become active in the political arena.
2. Describe what actions you can take to contribute to policy and make a difference.
3. What do you believe will be the next major policy issue affecting nursing to be debated?
Part 3: Ethics
Case Study: Professional Nursing Associations
We are fortunate as professional Registered Nurses to have a vast array of choices to us. With that being stated we also have a professional duty to be active members of our professional associations to further evolve our careers on that of our profession.
Please answer the following:
1. Explain how professional associations enhance the nursing profession.
2. What professional associations do you know the most about and describe.
3. What professional organization do you plan in participating in and why?
Part 4: Nursing and the aging family
Hypochondriasis can be a problem for older adults.
1. What situations contribute to hypochondriasis
2. What interventions can nurses provide that will address this problem in older adults?
Part 5: Nursing and the aging family
Many older adults are prescribed psychotropic medications.
1. What are the side effects of these medications
2. How do they impact the normal aging older adult?
Part 6: Nursing and the aging family
1. Share and discuss 2 programs and 2 resources available to assist family caregivers to reduce caregiver strain when taking care of tan older parent/family member at home.
Part 7: Nursing and the aging family (write in the first person- Due 40 hours)
The purpose of this assignm3nt is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the course.
Role: Student-RN-BSN
Class: Nursing and the Aging Family
1. Introduction (1 paragraph)
a. Purpose
b. Role
c. Impotance of the class to the role
2. Write a reflective 3ssay:
a. Implement patient and family care around resolution of end of life and palliative care issues, such as symptom management, support of rituals, and respect for patient and family preferences. (2 paragraphs)
b. Deliver compassionate, patient centered, evidence-based care that respects patient and family preferences. (2 paragraphs)
c. Implement holistic, patient centered care that reflects an understanding of human growth and development, pathophysiology, pharmacology, medical management, and nursing management across the health illness continuum, across the lifespan, and in all healthcare settings. (2 paragraphs)
3. Conclusion (2 paragraphs)
Part 8: Ethics reflection (write in the first person- Due 40 hours)
The purpose of this assignm3nt is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the course.
Role: Student-RN-BSN
Class: Ethical and Legal Aspect of Nursing Practice
1. Introduction (1 paragraph)
a. Purpose
b. Role
c. Impotance of the class to the role
2. Write a reflective 3ssay:
a. “Demonstrate the professional standards of moral, ethical, and legal conduct. (1 paragraph)
b. Assume accountability for personal and professional behaviors. (2 paragraphs)
c. Promote the image of nursing by modeling the values and articulating the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the nursing profession. (2 paragraphs)
d. Demonstrate professionalism, including attention to appearance, demeanor, respect for self and others, and attention to professional boundaries with patients and families as well as among caregivers. (2 paragraphs)
3. Conclusion (1 paragraph)
APA style
1) A minimum of 12 pages (No word count per page)
– Stick to the 3 x 3 rule: at least three paragraphs per page.
You must strictly adhere to the number of paragraphs specified per page.
Part 1: at least one page (20 hours)
Part 2: at least one page (20 hours)
Part 3: at least one page (20 hours)
Part 4: at least one page (20 hours)
Part 5: at least one page (20 hours)
Part 6: at least one page (20 hours)
Part 7: a minimum of three pages (40 hours)
Part 8: a minimum of three pages (40 hours)
Please submit one document per part.
2) ******APA standards
Each paragraph must be narrative and citeable in the text.
Responses in the form of bullet points will not be accepted.
Write in the third person.
Don’t simply copy and paste the