Essay Writers

Role of “Landscape” in Korean film

TOPIC: Role of “Landscape” in Korean film. DESCRIPTION: According to Kyung Hyun Kim, what is the role of “landscapes” in Korean films of the 1990s and 2000s? Choose one of the Korean films we’ve watched(Chihwaseon or the handmaiden) so far and discuss how the film does or does not fit the pattern described by Kim. […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

TOPIC: Fulani herdsmen & farmers crisis Nigeria

TOPIC: Fulani herdsmen & farmers crisis Nigeria The Fulani herdsmen and farmers crisis in Nigeria has been a longstanding issue that has resulted in significant loss of life and property. The crisis is primarily a result of competition over land and resources, as well as cultural and ethnic differences. The Fulani, also known as the […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

How important is intersecting gender and race

DESCRIPTION: Please Read This Carefully -This is the question of the Analytical Paper: How important is intersecting gender and race for an inclusive methodological approach in feminist research? Discuss. -Use another title in the cover page. -Write a thesis statement. *I will be graded based on these essential things: -Knowledge and understanding of key notions, […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

Should city council put fluoride in Calgary’s water?

Should city council put fluoride in Calgary’s water? Write a 4-5 paragraphs essay Describe the issue : what where why when who – establish context Individualism point of view: what would be their answer to the issue question? Supporting value characteristics Collectivism point of view: what would be their answer to the issue? Supporting value […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

The basic teachings of Christianity , Islam and Hinduism

Question: 1 summarize the basic teachings of Christianity , Islam and Hinduism . 2 identify a few differences and similarities among the three religions. Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism are three of the world’s major religions, each with its own unique beliefs and practices. Christianity, the largest religion in the world, is based on the life […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

Material conditions

DESCRIPTION: NOTE: This paper integrates material and ideological conditions. Be sure to balance the two in your paper. Avoid the mistake of placing more emphasis on material conditions simply because they involve three authors. It may help to think of the paper as 40% on ideological conditions. 1.)Material Conditions Polanyi refers to the emergence of […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

Online classes are more beneficial as traditional classes for students

DESCRIPTION: It is an argument essay, so you will be taking a stand on a controversial issue.The paper should explain why online classes is better then face-to-face classes.2-4 quotations total from at least two different articles. The minimum of 700 words (not including the works cited page), and demonstrate correct grammar.The body paragraphs should include: […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

The case for genetically engineered babies

DESCRIPTION: “The case for genetically engineered babies by Christopher gyngell and “The case Against Human Gene Editing” by Brendan Foht. Use both essays to support and argument that can be supported by your own experience you have from others and your own ideas. Develop a thesis statement that clearly states your opinion. Provide proper support […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023

Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

TOPIC: Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde “The Picture of Dorian Gray” is a novel written by Oscar Wilde in 1890. The story follows the life of a young, wealthy man named Dorian Gray, who is given a portrait of himself that has been painted by an artist named Basil Hallward. Dorian becomes obsessed […]

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Date: January 18th, 2023