Posted: November 28th, 2022
Essay, Management Internal Processes
Essay, Management Internal Processes
Essay, Management Internal Processes
The article “Inside Chipotle’s Contamination Crisis. Smugness and Happy Talk about Sustainability aren’t Working Anymore.” by Susan Berfield was written in 2015 to give the public an insight about the food poisoning in Chipotle Restaurant outlets throughout the U.S. it presents a case study of, among others, Chris Collins, a web-developer and photographer who was 32 years of age at the time. This time Chris, who is a fanatic of local produce, organic food from ethically raised animals, was unlucky to eat a contaminated food made him succumb to excruciating pain when he attempted to make any movements. A confirmed medical report showed that he had eaten food that was contaminated with the Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli 026. Food poisoning ought to be eliminated as it possess great dangers to the health and hence lives of the customers in the eateries including kidney failure, general weakness and anxiety and wastage of time during the hospitalization process.
Susan Berfield (2015) continued her discussion down the article by exposing that there are three known pathogens responsible for five outbreaks, a situation he distances from being coincidental. Michael Doyle, the director for food safety at the University of Georgia, contended that there existed a bid problem in the company. The reason he gave for his view was that Chipotle had concentrated in the selling of fresh food without antibiotics and GMOs yet forgot to take seriously the microbial safety standards required. regardless of how fresh and tasty food is, food poisoning can cause serious illness and even claim lives if not well taken care of at a good time.
Chipotle Supplies Chain Management
Chipotle was not originally buying food from farmers and restaurant supplies from manufacturers. Instead it has built long term relationship with food industry supplies it deems reliable. It keeps a list of credited suppliers that can meet their standards, specifications and guidelines for quality. It has many distribution centers from where it makes purchases from its supplies. In number, there are twenty and two independently owned and operated distribution centers located in different regions (Hitt, Ireland & Hoskisson, 2013). These centers then supplies the ingredients among other supplies to all chipotle restaurants. There are plans by the management of chipotle to add more distribution centers as they grow regionally. This chain has the disadvantage of its lack of a centralized distribution center from where quality control can be done through scrutinizing the supplies quality, putting safety measures in place and ensuring their commitment to freshness and neutrality of food is upheld.
The new supply chain should have a main distribution center from where the twenty one distribution centers from where the chain Chipotle restaurants are supplied. Before the food supplies are distributed from the main distribution center, there should an assessment of the quality supplies and whether the supplies meet the safety standards that are set by the organization. getting food directly from the farmers and manufacturers will not only increase the level of freshness of food but also considerably reduce the cost of supplies and reduce food poisoning that sometimes occur due increased number of intermediaries who handle food before it finally reaches the kitchen restuarants. Chipotle shared distribution centers and processing facilities, collectively known as facilities commissaries, with McDonald’s.
The second chain in the same field of restaurants is the McDonald’s. McDonald’s is the world’s biggest chain of ground sirloin sandwich fast food eateries, serving around 68 million clients day by day in 119 nations worldwide over 36,535 outlets. Established in the United States in 1940, the organization started as a grill eatery founded by Richard and Maurice McDonald. In 1948, they redesigned their business as a cheeseburger stand utilizing creation line standards. Businessperson Ray Kroc joined the organization as an establishment operator in 1955. He in this way acquired the chain from the McDonald siblings and directed its overall development (Härtel, 2012).
McDonald’s Chain Supplies
The McDonald’s supply chain is unique. The chain is more based on a culture of collaboration and partnership that makes it possible for them to serve safe and high quality food consistently. The chain is sensitive to the fact that suppliers should benefit from our collaboration and relationship. It equally recognizes the role of responsible and ethical sourcing of supplies in the development of sustainable processes of agriculture and food manufacturing. Responsibilities of the McDonald’s management to the community and suppliers are economic, ethical and environmental.
McDonald’s supply chain comprises a three-legged stool concept of suppliers, company and franchisees. According to Härtel (2012), there is also the use of a vital cold chain that helps to preserve and nutritional value. The integrity of food products and retain its freshness and its nutritional value. McDonald should boost their efforts on cold chain management through selection of highly quality seeds, drip-irrigation technology and transportation system. McDonald’s should also adopt the use E-Procumbent through arranging purchase and suppliers over the
The Six Sigma methodology has not been used in this recommendation because of its complicated nature. It requires a great effort in data gathering and analysis that creates a lot of weaknesses and consumes much time.
Härtel, M. (2012). McDonald’s Supply Chain Management. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH.
Hitt, M. A., Ireland, R. D., & Hoskisson, R. E. (2013). Strategic management: Competitiveness & globalization. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Susan Berfield (2015). Inside Chipotle’s Contamination Crisis. Smugness and Happy Talk about Sustainability aren’t Working Anymore. Retrieved from