Posted: February 13th, 2022
Essay Example Of Case Study
From the situation that Nils is going through, some available options are suggested as below: a. Nils should consult headquarter and ask for a number of construction workers from the main office or countries nearby to at least enable the project to be completed within the stipulated time frame. However, the administration along with the senior management might not agree, since staff for coordination and work purpose from abroad may Incur excess project cost. Nils has to plan the project with what available resources are there. He should report back to headquarter with the facts and obstacles with respect to the availability of resources In Thailand. It will delay the project than what was perceived In respect to the completion time line. C. Make this Tsunami Into an opportunity to change the project scope and deliverables. For example he should renegotiate with the customer to refurbish a portion of the resort till the estimated completion time. And during this erred he can set up a rescue campaign and add more workers to the team. . Nils must sit down with the potential workers and existing team members and empower them to speak their minds and hearts out. Giving an opportunity to the worker to voice the concerns is an excellent form of motivator. In this instance lack of motivation is one of the factors contributing to the delay in the completion of the project. E. He must allow the channel of communication be open with workers. Nils should let the workers ask questions to clarify their understandings of the scope of ark and also their concerns regarding the supernatural forces.
Nils should then formulate a strategy in order to remove the obstacles such as the mindset of the workers regarding ghosts in the area. Answer to Question 2 I would definitely first discuss the issues related to availability to resources locally in Thailand and come up with a solution such as getting the foreign workers to come from main office and close countries to complete the project on time. This is Important since the customer might not be in a position to delay the project and loud like the resort to be functional in order to generate the required revenue for their business.
In this scenario if the foreign workers are brought In to work In would definitely have a negative impact on the project cost but at the end It will be a win – win situation for both the parties. Also I would try to renegotiate the cost part of the project with the customer and provide him with the real facts surrounding the local workers unwilling to work on double wages or the migrant workers being scared to be deported. I would try to monomaniac with the migrant workers and try to make headway Into legalizing their working rights In Thailand.
It would reflect an attitude which might be appreciated by the migrant workers and they may In turn resort to working on the project. Coordination and work purpose from abroad may incur excess project cost. B. Nils back to headquarter with the facts and obstacles with respect to the availability of resources in Thailand. It will delay the project than what was perceived in respect to the completion time line. C. Make this Tsunami into an opportunity to change the room main office and close countries to complete the project on time.
This is important since the customer might not be in a position to delay the project and their business. In this scenario if the foreign workers are brought in to work in would definitely have a negative impact on the project cost but at the end it will be a win – communicate with the migrant workers and try to make headway into legalizing their working rights in Thailand. It would reflect an attitude which might be appreciated by the migrant workers and they may in turn resort to working on the project.