Posted: October 31st, 2022
Essay 2 (analytic summary)
WR 115
Lynn Freitas, Instructor
Essay 2 (analytic summary)
Write a short analytical summary of one of the essays (editorials) on Canvas.
Your analytical summary should give the audience a clear general overall idea of the content and
form of the essay. What’s the author talking about? [topic] What’s the author have to say about
it? [claim] What do you notice about the style and tone? How is the essay organized?
Write your analytical summary using complete sentences and paragraphs. Write a short
introduction and conclusion, and use transitions between ideas. Maintain a formal tone.
Key points to make sure you include:
• Describe and explain the form of the essay, specifically:
o a basic identification of the essay, including title, author, and publication
o the division into introduction, main body, and conclusion;
o the strategies used in the introduction and conclusion;
o organizational strategies or structures.
• Describe and explain the content of the essay, specifically:
o the topic, either by paraphrasing or quoting;
o the main idea in your own words (i.e. summarize or paraphrase into a
single sentence);
o AND a direct quote of the thesis statement if there is one (remember there
may not be);
o the main supports the author gives to accept the thesis;
o the important details / examples illustrating each support, if any.
This is not necessarily everything your answer could or should contain; your answer should be a
well-written, unified, easy-to-understand overall summary that analyzes what the essay says and
how it works.
Your own basic writing, style, and organization are all important parts of the assessment, so
be careful to plan, proofread, revise, and edit your analytical summary thoroughly before you
turn it in.