Posted: March 3rd, 2022
ESE 601 Week 2 Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Characteristics of Disabilities
ESE 601 Week 2 Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Characteristics of Disabilities
ESE 601 Week 2 Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Characteristics of Disabilities
Researchers have identified multiple potential causes as well as suggested interventions for children who have been identified as having specific disabilities. These strategies may include environmental, instructional, behavioral, and psychological approaches within the classroom or school setting. This information can be instrumental in the decision-making process, specifically for the IEP team, when developing a student’s individualized goals and services. Using research-based interventions along with the student’s present levels of performance, background and cultural influences, for the purpose of developing an individualized plan are the recommended procedure for supporting a student’s needs.
Assessments are one important measure of a child’s level of functioning. They can measure a variety of areas including academic performance, processing abilities, language comprehension and usage as well as many others. There are many types of informal and formal assessments that contribute to the overall picture of a student’s abilities, which help to determine the gaps that need remediation. Whether conducted by a teacher or school psychologist, a report is written to explain the findings, which include current levels of functioning, strengths, and weaknesses.
After reviewing Henry’s Evaluation Report, you will use this data to respond to the prompt below.
Prior to beginning work on this assignment,
Read Chapters 1 and 4 in your text.
Read Special Education Policy, Response to Intervention, and the Socialization of Youth
Review The IEP Team(Links to an external site.)
Review the course and weekly learning outcomes.
Carefully read the assignment instructions, which includes the case study and evaluation results for Henry.
Review the Week 6 final paper (Resource Manual for Educating Students With Exceptionalities) description to see where this artifact fits into your final paper.
This assignment provides an opportunity to read and interpret evaluation results for a specific student (Henry). This case study includes a comprehensive breakdown of all relevant sections of an evaluation report. After reading and analyzing this information, you will use the presented data to drive your decision-making process to best meet Henry’s individualized needs. This assignment also provides an opportunity to identify and communicate common characteristics associated with high-incidence exceptionalities.
Take Action
Content Instructions
Part I
Within your paper,
Identify characteristics of three disabilities: learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorders, and intellectual disabilities.
When defining and identifying characteristics of learning disabilities, include how dyslexia impacts reading and related language-based processing skills and aligns with the parameters of learning disabilities.
In this section of your paper,
Define each disability using IDEA.
Identify characteristics for each disability that are commonly seen in the educational environment.
Describe how these characteristics adversely impact educational performance and academic progress.
Part II
In this section of your paper,
Identify the category of eligibility and specific disability you would give Henry based on the data in the evaluation report.
Justify your decision with a comprehensive rationale. This should align with Henry’s deficit areas and testing results.
Part III
Recommend evidence-based practices and interventions to meet Henry’s individual needs and foster academic progress once you have determined that Henry qualifies for special education services under a specific category (disability).
In this section of your paper,
Recommend at least three potential evidence-based interventions or instructional strategies to support Henry (support with scholarly research and literature).
Summarize each intervention thoroughly (support with scholarly literature).
Justify your decision with a comprehensive rationale. This should align with Henry’s deficit areas and testing results.
Discuss the potential impact these interventions and instructional strategies will have on Henry’s academic success.
Create a document using this Week 2 Assignment Template to submit your assignment that includes a title page, headings for each section of the assignment, and your reference list.
Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit your document no later than Day 7.
ePortfolio and Assignment Submission Instructions
Submit Your Assignment: You will need to submit your assignment to both Waypoint and Folio.
Part 1: Submit Assignment to Waypoint
Submit your assignment to Waypoint using the Assignment Submission button (within your classroom).
For more detailed instructions, refer to the Submitting Assignments Through Waypoint(Links to an external site.)
Part 2: Add Assignment to Folio
A part of this assignment is adding your work to Folio. Folio is your free digital portfolio tool to visually showcase your academic and professional accomplishments and experiences. You can access Folio by clicking on the “Account” link in the global navigation of this course, and selecting “Folio,” or, by clicking the button in your classroom.
To learn more about setting up your Folio account and adding future assignments, view Setting Up and Using Folio (Links to an external site.).
Success Tip: Start preparing now for the Week 6 Final Assignment!
The Week 6 assignment involves creating a resource manual for Mr. Franklin. Preparation for this assignment must begin early to make certain you are thinking ahead and saving your work. Review the full instructions for the Week 6 assignmentfor more information.
The Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Characteristics of Disabilities paper,
Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA Style(Links to an external site.) as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice(Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions(Links to an external site.) as well as Writing a Thesis Statement (Links to an external site.), refer to the Writing Center resources.
Must use at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed, or credible sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources(Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty(Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.
Must document any information used from sources in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper(Links to an external site.)
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List(Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
ESE 601 Week 2: Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Disabilities
ESE 601 Week 2: Interpreting Evaluation Results and Identifying Disabilities
Researchers have identified a number of possible reasons as well as therapies for children who have been diagnosed as having certain disabilities. Within the classroom or school setting, these tactics may include environmental, instructional, behavioral, and psychological approaches. When defining a student’s unique objectives and services, this information can be useful in the decision-making process, particularly for the IEP team. The recommended strategy for addressing a student’s needs is to use research-based interventions in conjunction with the student’s current levels of performance, background, and cultural factors to construct a personalized plan.
Assessments are one key way to determine a child’s level of achievement.