Posted: March 3rd, 2022
ESE 601 Ashford University Week 6 Assignment
ESE 601 Ashford University Week 6 Assignment
ESE 601 Ashford University Week 6 Assignment
Week 6 Assignment Resource Manual for Educating Students With Exceptionalities
[WLOs: 1, 2, 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
After collaborating with Mr. Franklin in his classroom learning environment during this time, you recognize that he has been expressing his confusion regarding special education and the students’ needs. You have decided to create a user-friendly guide that has relevant resources, definitions, examples, and family-based support information specific to students with exceptionalities that can be shared easily with colleagues.
Prior to beginning work on this final paper:
Read Chapter 7 in the text
Review Section 2.2, pages 34 and 37 in the text
Review the webpageEthical Principles and Professional Practice Standards for Special Educators (Links to an external site.)
Review theCode of Ethics: Preamble—Statement of Purpose (Links to an external site.).
ReviewEducational Rights and IEPs (Links to an external site.)
Review the course learning outcomes.
Review the weekly learning outcomes from Weeks 1 through 5.
Consider looking back through the Instructor Guidance lessons from Weeks 1 through 5.
Locate and review the assignment artifacts from Weeks 1 through 5.
Thoroughly read the final paper instructions.
As you navigate this final paper, consider how you will apply the course learning outcomes to your chosen path or learning environment in the field of education.
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
Explain how federal legislation governs special education protocol in public schools or other learning environments.
Analyze the characteristics and learning differences between eligibility categories under IDEA for students with exceptionalities.
Summarize evidence-based practices that address the academic, as well as social/emotional and behavioral needs of students with exceptionalities.
Illustrate the key points of the relevant ethical principles and legislation guiding professionals working with students with exceptionalities.
Describe educational supports, services, and support personnel for students with exceptionalities.
Take Action
Content Instructions:
Your Resource Manual for Students With Exceptionalities should consist of a single navigable document. In your paper,
Design your Resource Manual using the Resource Manual Document Template provided .
Create a Table of Contents containing the following eight section headings:
Key Terms in Educating Students With Exceptionalities
Timeline of Important Legislation and Case Law
Categories and Characteristics of Students with Exceptionalities Under IDEA
Evidence-Based Practices Supporting Academic, Social/Emotional and Behavioral Needs
Evidence-Based Goal Development, Progress Monitoring, and Informal Assessment
Educational Support Team for Students With Exceptionalities
Professional and Ethical Considerations
How Does This Apply to My Target Student Population and Career Goals?
Explain five key terms in educating students with exceptionalities relating to IDEA.
After incorporating instructor feedback or changes, include the five key terms from your Week 1 Explaining It Clearly (Scenario) discussion forum, citing your sources.
Reflect on the development of a timeline of important legislation and case law in one paragraph.
Include the link to your Week 1 Historical Timeline for Students With Exceptionalities assignment.
List the thirteen categories of eligibility for students with exceptionalities under IDEA, citing your source.
Analyze the steps from referral to evaluation of students with exceptionalities under IDEA from the Navigate the Referral, Evaluation, and Eligibility Process in Accordance With IDEA (Scenario) discussion forum in Week 2 in one paragraph.
Include the link to your graphic organizer from your Week 3 Universal Learning Characteristics assignment, incorporating any instructor feedback.
Summarize the importance of identifying evidence-based practices supporting academic, social/emotional, and behavioral needs in one paragraph.
List and link three strategies from the What Works Clearninghouse(Links to an external site.)or other scholarly sources for each:
Academic Support Strategies and Resources for Students with Exceptionalities.
Social/Emotional Support Strategies and Resources for Students With Exceptionalities.
Behavioral Support Strategies and Resources for Students With Exceptionalities.
Interpret the importance of aligning assessment to practice with evidence-based SMART goal development, progress monitoring, and informal assessment in one paragraph.
Insert your Week 5 Instructional Planning: Assessment to Practice Plan assignment, incorporating any instructor feedback.
Describe the potential support personnel for students with exceptionalities, including required and important members of an IEP team, as well as any additional stakeholders in one paragraph.
Illustrate professional and ethical considerations supporting professionals working with students with exceptionalities.
List and link resources to relevant guidelines (e.g., CEC, NASET, NAEYC, etc.) and provide a link to FERPA.
In one paragraph, discuss the role of ethics and professional principles in supporting students with exceptionalities.
Reflect on how your resource manual applies to your Career Goals and future students.
In three paragraphs or less, reflect on how your resource manual applies to your target student population and career goals.
Discuss your target learning environment (e.g. classroom, University, home-based).
Discuss your target student level (e.g. birth to early childhood, school-aged, adult learners) in your current or goal.
Explain how will you apply what you gained from this course to your career goals.
Written Expectations
Using the Resource Manual Document Templateprovided, compile the appropriate resources within each section. Follow each section’s instructions and complete as indicated within the template. Please note that there is a minimum of five scholarly sources to be used including the course textbook.
Next Steps: Review and Submit the Assignment
Review your assignment with the Grading Rubric to ensure you have achieved the distinguished levels of performance for each criterion. Next, submit your document no later than Day 7.
ePortfolio and Assignment Submission Instructions
Submit Your Assignment: You will need to submit your assignment to both Waypoint and Folio.
Part 1: Submit Assignment to Waypoint
Submit your assignment to Waypoint using the Assignment Submission button (within your classroom).
For more detailed instructions, refer to the Submitting Assignments Through Waypoint(Links to an external site.)
Part 2: Add Assignment to Folio
A part of this assignment is adding your work to Folio. Folio is your free digital portfolio tool to visually showcase your academic and professional accomplishments and experiences. You can access Folio by clicking on the “Account” link in the global navigation of this course, and selecting “Folio,” or, by clicking the button in your classroom.
To learn more about setting up your Folio account and adding future assignments, view Setting Up and Using Folio (Links to an external site.).
The MASE program provides the opportunity for you to create an online portfolio that can be used in your career development and professional practice. Throughout the program you will have various assessments that can be included in this e-portfolio and these will be finalized in the last course of the MASE program, Capstone course, EDU696. You may select this assignment and subsequent coursework to include as artifacts. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that in addition to your Folio project, you save your coursework on a flash-drive (e.g., a USB removable drive, etc.) or store in a cloud- based option such as Dropbox, GoogleDrive, or other similar applications.
The Instructional Planning: Assessment to Practice Plan,
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of plan
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitted
Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice(Links to an external site.) resource for additional guidance.
Must use at least two scholarly or credible sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources(Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
To assist you in completing the research required for this assignment, view this Ashford University Library Quick ‘n’ Dirty(Links to an external site.) tutorial, which introduces the Ashford University Library and the research process, and provides some library search tips.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center. See the APA: Formatting Your References List(Links to an external site.) resource in the Writing Center for specifications.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.