Posted: September 5th, 2023
english…. due in 10 hours…… essay…… read first!!
please read before bidding……
this is due in 10 hours…… no late work accepted….. must have done in 10 hours..
You will use the attachment and edit it to complete the essay. Add more information to the attachment and change it to to finish the assignment.
Based on the below documentary and requirement are below
Consider the documentary titled Miss Representation (full documentary only–not film trailer). Perform a rhetorical analysis based on course materials.
The essay should contain:
An introductory paragraph with a thesis statement and three supporting details;
Remember, the argument in the original material is secondary to HOW that argument is presented. Your thesis statement should reflect the methods used in the documentary to present the message and whether or not those methods were successful. You should *not* be echoing the argument from the documentary in your thesis statement. To assist you in understanding how to formulate a thesis statement for your rhetorical analysis, here is a link to a helpful document. (Links to an external site.)
You may also wish to use this as a template for your rhetorical analysis thesis statement:
[Director] effectively convinces the audience of [name of documentary] that [main idea from documentary] through the use of [Method 1], [Method 2], and [Method 3.]
Three body paragraphs that address the supporting details with specific evidence from the documentary only;
Remember to use the MEAL plan (Links to an external site.)
A conclusion paragraph that summarizes the thesis statement and mentions the supporting details, along with a graceful closing technique that wraps up the main theme of the essay.
The essay will be evaluated in terms of unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. Cite your sources using 8th edition MLA formatting.
Must use portions of the attachment essay and you must add more information and change the document following all directions.