Posted: March 5th, 2022
Encouraging home language use is an effective way to increase ELL’s language
Encouraging home language use is an effective way to increase ELL’s language and literacy skills. Knowing how influential L1 language use is, develop an activity that ELL professionals might use to encourage home language use in the classroom or caregiver setting. Be creative! How might your activity involve parents? Would you want to plan a fieldtrip? Outdoor activity? Special event?
In a minimum of 2-pages (not counting the title page and references page), include the following:
Provide a summary of the influences of home language (L1) use on the development of language and literacy skills in the target language (L2). Use research to support your ideas.
Create a detailed activity that provides ample opportunities for home language use. Include the steps, materials, and time frame required to complete this activity.
Influences of Home Language
55% of total grade
Comprehensive attempt to provide a summary of the influences of home language (L1) use on the development of language and literacy skills in the target language (L2). In-depth details and examples provided.
Detailed Activity
35% of total grade
Comprehensive attempt to create a detailed activity that promotes ample opportunities for home language use. In-depth details on steps, materials, and timeframe provided.