Posted: November 19th, 2022
Emotional Intelligence (EI)
Write 2 pages, addressing all the questions
Deliver on or before the set deadline
use APA 7, and the readings provided
Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the ability to understand emotions and motivations in yourself and others. Understanding how to recognize the emotions of others in different situations is a big communication tool for the manager. It is not unusual for people to fail to express what they are feeling verbally and thus leave the listener with an impression that may be false. Understanding how to read body language or facial expressions affords the manager additional knowledge as to the speakers’ true stance. It is not uncommon for people to fail to express their emotions verbally, leaving the listener with a false impression. Understanding how to read body language or facial expressions provides the manager with additional information about the speaker’s true position. It helps to communicate with meaning to the words we choose. Managers that have a good understanding of EI find it especially useful in approaching conflict decision-making and coaching employees.
In your initial post focus on:
What is EI and how can managers benefit from understanding EI?
What role does “Active Listening” play in communication?
How does the way you handle communication impact decision-making and efficiency in the workplace?
Finally, reply to 3-4 other learners throughout the week; Consider the discussion a type of round table discussion. Tell us about what you found and how it relates to your experiences, showing an understanding of the content, expanding on the topics, and extending the conversation with your research.
Week 9 Readings
Required Reading/Viewing Resources
Auyeung-Chen, R. (2017) Building Connections: How to be a Relationship Ninja. TEDxSFU.
eBook Chapter 3 in Black, J. S., & Bright, D. S. (2019). OpenStax.Organizational Behavior.Houston, Texas. Book URL: Section URL:
Chapter 28. A Manager’s Emotional Intelligence as an Indicator of Effectiveness of Coaching Leadership Style in an Organization. Jablonski, M. (2017). Strategic Performance Management : New Concepts and Contemporary Trends. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Permalink:
HYTER, M. C., & TAPIA, A. (2015). Can You Teach Emotional Intelligence? Chief Learning Officer, 14(1), 34. Permalink:
Jaiswal, A., & Dyaram, L. (2020). Perceived diversity and employee well-being: mediating role of inclusion. Personnel Review, 49(5), 1121–1139. Permalink.
Relationship Building Skills. (2020). LinkedIn.
Teike, D., & Sneed, K. J. (2018). Building and restoring relationships using the Art of Invitation: An exploratory phenomenological study. Social Work & Christianity, 45(4), 3–21. Permalink:
What exactly is Emotional Intelligence?
What exactly is emotional intelligence? This is one of the most frequently asked questions by Daniel Goleman (Dan), psychologist and New York Times bestselling author of “Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ.”
If you’re new to the work of emotional intelligence or need a refresher, this article will define it and break down the four domains and twelve competencies that comprise Dan’s framework. We’ll also show you how to assess your own emotional intelligence and outline some resources to help you continue your EI learning journey.
What exactly is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?
Emotional Intelligence is a different type of intelligence. EI is essential for high performance, especially for outstanding leadership. It is not your IQ that is important, but rather how you manage yourself and your relationships with others.
Crucial Competence: Developing Emotional and Social Leadership, Daniel Goleman
What exactly is a competency?
A competence is a skill required to carry out a role or task. Threshold Competencies and Distinguishing Competencies are the two types of competencies. Threshold Competencies are the bare necessities for dealing with the cognitive complexity of a given task. Distinguishing Competencies are characteristics found in top performers that set them apart from the crowd. Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis examined the internal competency models of dozens of organizations to identify Distinguishing Competencies that were shared by all, and then used that data to build their model of Emotional Intelligence.
Defined Emotional Intelligence Competencies
Emotional Self-Awareness: What Is It?
Emotional Self Awareness is central to emotional intelligence. The ability to understand our own emotions and their effects on performance is referred to as emotional self awareness. You become aware of how your emotions affect you and how well you are doing. Your values and sense of purpose guide your actions.
What exactly is Emotional Self-Control?
Emotional Self-Control (also known as emotional balance) is the ability to keep your disruptive emotions and impulses under control in order to maintain effectiveness under stressful or even hostile conditions. When you have emotional balance, you recognize disruptive emotions—emotions that get in your way, such as high anxiety, intense fear, or quick anger—and you learn how to manage your emotions and impulses. Even in the midst of a crisis, you maintain your cool.
What exactly is a positive outlook?
The ability to see the positive in people, situations, and events is referred to as a positive outlook. It means perseverance in pursuing goals despite setbacks and obstacles; you see opportunity where others see a setback that could be disastrous, at least for them.
What exactly is achievement?
We strive to meet or exceed a standard of excellence, according to the Achievement competence. We strive to improve our processes. We set ambitious goals and take calculated risks. There’s a big paradox about achievement orientation: it’s very helpful when you have positive goals. However, if you remain in this overdrive all the time and try to drive others at the same rate, you may become a toxic leader. Although achievement drive can help you achieve your career goals, it can also make you unhappy in your personal life.
What exactly is adaptability?
Adaptability is the ability to handle change and juggle multiple demands while adapting to new situations with new ideas or innovative approaches. It means you can stay focused on your goals while easily adjusting your path to them. You can face new challenges and are adaptable to sudden change. You’re at ease with the uncertainty that comes with leadership.
What exactly is empathy?
Empathy competence denotes the ability to sense other people’s feelings and perspectives. You are genuinely concerned about their problems. In thought, you pick up on cues to what is being felt. Empathy detects unspoken emotions. You listen carefully in order to understand the other person’s point of view, the terms in which they think about what’s going on. Empathic leaders can communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures and express their ideas in ways that the other person can understand. Empathy does not imply psychologically manipulating the other person, but rather knowing how to collaborate with them.
What precisely is organizational awareness?
Organizational awareness refers to the ability to read a group’s emotional currents and power dynamics, as well as identify influencers, networks, and decision-making dynamics. A leader who can spot networking opportunities and read key power dynamics will be a better leader. Such leaders understand not only the forces at work within an organization, but also the guiding values and unspoken rules that govern people.
What exactly is influence?
The ability to persuade or convince others to gain their support is referred to as influence as a competence. If you have strong influence skills, you are persuasive and engaging, and you can gain the support of key people. Remember that leadership is the art of getting things done well through others. And the most effective way to do so is through influence.
What exactly is a Coach and Mentor Competency?
The ability to foster long-term learning or development of others is the Coach and Mentor competency. By providing feedback and assistance. You genuinely want to assist them in developing new skills. You provide timely, constructive feedback, you understand the individual’s goals, and you seek out challenges for them.
What exactly is inspiring leadership?
The ability to guide people to get the job done in order to bring out their best is an example of inspirational leadership. You can articulate a shared mission with inspiration in a way that motivates and provides a sense of common purpose. Aside from people’s regular tasks.
What exactly is teamwork?
Teamwork competence is the ability to collaborate with others toward a common goal, actively sharing responsibility and rewards, and contributing to the team’s capability. You can draw others into active commitment to the team’s effort if you empathize and create an atmosphere of respect, helpfulness, and cooperation. Leaders who are skilled at teamwork competence foster team spirit, positive relationships, and a sense of belonging to the team. It isn’t just teams. This skill is essential for any type of collaboration.
What exactly is conflict resolution?
The ability to help others through emotional or tense situations, to bring disagreements into the open, and to define solutions that everyone can agree on is referred to as conflict management competency. Leaders who take the time to understand the various points of view work to find a common ground on which everyone can agree. They acknowledge all points of view while directing energy toward a common goal or an agreeable solution. Clearly, leaders must be able to manage conflict. But that doesn’t mean you have to persuade others that your point of view is correct. There is a distinction to be made between winning and effectively managing conflict.
How to Assess Your Emotional Intelligence (EI) Capabilities
In collaboration with Korn Ferry, Daniel Goleman and Richard Boyatzis created an instrument to assist people who want to improve their emotional intelligence. The Emotional and Social Competence Inventory is the name of the assessment tool (ESCI). The ESCI is a 360-degree assessment, which means you evaluate yourself first, then ask up to ten people who know you well and whose opinions you value and trust to rate you anonymously. The information gathered is then aggregated and presented to you as a profile of your strengths and weaknesses.
The ESCI is useful because it allows you to understand how others perceive you in relation to each of the emotional intelligence competencies. The tool also assists you in determining which competencies you are proficient in and which you may need to improve in collaboration with an EI-certified coach or develop on your own.
Resources for Emotional Intelligence
If you’re just getting started with emotional intelligence, we hope this article was a good place to start. If you want to learn more about emotional intelligence, here is a list of resources that will help you understand the brain science behind the work.