Posted: January 31st, 2022
EME 215
These essays must be a minimum of 1,200 words in length; include applicable cites and references; and is written to APA standards that include a cover page, an abstract, discussion with level headings, a conclusion, and references. The paper must be double spaced, and use the font New Times Roman and the font size of 12.
Use the case study on the Rio de Janeiro Floods and Mudslides, Brazil, 2011 determine at least 2 threats/hazards, describe the threats/hazard, and then complete the Risk Assessment Table by checking boxes that could pertain to your chosen flood event. Discuss your overall findings. What additional vulnerability categories could be added to this guide?
These essays must be at least 1,200 words long, include relevant citations and references, and be prepared in accordance with APA standards, which include a cover page, an abstract, discussion with level headings, a conclusion, and references. The paper must be double spaced, with New Times Roman font and a font size of 12.
Use the case study of the 2011 Rio de Janeiro Floods and Mudslides in Brazil. Determine at least two threats/hazards, describe the threats/hazards, and then fill out the Risk Assessment Table by checking items that may apply to your chosen flood event. Talk about your overall results. What more vulnerability categories could be included in this guide?