Posted: August 31st, 2022
Elder Abuse and Neglect
Elder Abuse and Neglect
Elder abuse is the mistreatment that arises from any intentional act or failure to act by a caregiver that harms or poses the risk of harm to the elderly person. Elderly people comprise individuals above 60 years. This group is more vulnerable to abuse because they are frail and often require help to take care of themselves and perform basic daily activities like feeding and cleaning. Elder abuse can happen in health care facilities or even at home. In the United States, one in every ten elderly person experiences abuse and neglect every year. However, most of the elderly abuse cases go unnoticed and unreported.
There are many forms of elder abuse
• Physical abuse: It is the intentional use of excessive force that results in bodily harm and physical injuries and pain that oftentimes result in acute or chronic illness or even death. It is any act of violence that involves striking, slapping, pushing, biting, pinching, choking, suffocation, kicking, scratching, biting, or burning that results in physical harm.
• Psychological and Emotional abuse often goes undetected. It happens when the caregiver verbally abuses the elderly person by repeatedly saying hurtful words, yelling, threatening, and ignoring the elderly people. The elderly patients end up fearing the caregiver and feeling disconnected from family and close friends.
• Neglect is the failure by the caregiver to provide the elderly patient with all the physical and psychological needs. Physical neglect includes failure to provide adequate medications, physical therapy, hygiene needs like baths, or forcing them to live in unsanitary conditions. Psychological neglect is the failure to maintain social contact or leaving them alone for extended periods of time without any plan of care.
• Sexual abuse occurs when the elderly patient is forced into sexual acts without their consent. This may include forcing them to undress or watch sexual acts.
• Financial exploitation occurs when money or other belongings from the elderly patient are taken without their consent, often using fraudulent means. This may involve taking their retirement and social security benefits or overcharging their healthcare. It may also include acts like changing details of the will, bank account, or details involving property ownership.
Signs of elder abuse
Elder abuse can be noticed if the patient:
• Has trouble sleeping
• Looks depressed and confused
• Suddenly loses weight no appropriate reason
• Begins to act weird, often agitated and violent
• Has physical bruises, scars, and burns
• Looks unkempt with dirty clothes
• Develop bedsores and other hygiene-related conditions
• suddenly becomes withdrawn and no longer enjoys doing activities they enjoyed before
Stay alert! Elder abuse is often done by trusted person closest to you. If you notice any kind of bruising or changes in attitude in an elderly person, ensure to talk to them to establish whether they are experiencing any form of abuse. You can also report suspected abuse to have an investigation done.