Posted: March 3rd, 2022
Effective Strategies To Relieve Stress For Students Enrolled In Online Learning Programs.
1. Submit the complete Literature Review section for the research paper you are writing. Please ensure that your Literature Review contains at least five (5) sources published within the last five years. Do not forget to provide the complete References list of the sources used in writing your Literature Review.
2. Formulate the Research Methods for your selected topic. Please note that all students are to carry out a meta-analysis research method. Make sure that you incorporate all appropriate elements:
* the type of research used
* the step-by-step process of the research
* the tools used during the research
* how these tools were handled
Note: Remember that you should use the past tense, 3rd person, active or passive voice.
This is my work what I need is the references in both
1. Literature Review
The paper will begin with a background on the stress experienced by students enrolled in learning programs by putting it within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, as presented in “Stress in Students after Lockdown Due to COVID-19 Threat and the Effects of Attending Online Classes,” which found that 69.8% of students are stressed about their studies (Raj & Fatima, 2020).
The paper will use information from the article “Understanding and Promoting Stress Management Practices Among College Students Through an Integrated Health Behavior Model”, which was published in the American Journal of Health Information in 2018. The article notes that college students are susceptible to undermanaged stress and its detrimental effects, and though they could use evidence-based stress reduction techniques (SRTs) to remedy this, many do not (Bistricky et al, 2018). The article provides a framework through which institutions can better serve students that are enrolled in online classes.
One such intervention was evaluated in the article “Evaluating an Online Stress Management Intervention for College Students,” which was published in the Journal of Counseling Psychology in 2016. The study found a number of effective techniques that reduce stress in online learners and focused on the intervention focused on present control because it has been found to be associated with a range of positive outcomes, including lower levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, controlling for a range of other variables (Hintz et al, 2016).
Going globally, the paper will analyze the efficacy of using web applications for stress management during the pandemic, as seen in a sample of Iranian college students in a study by Khademian et al (2020). This application outlines the implementation of techniques and strategies to help college students who are working online due to the pandemic.
Finally, the cumulative information will guide us to the most effective tips for successful online learning, as recommended by Walden University in their article “9 Stress Management Tips for Successful Online Learning,” found at After all this, we will have enough information to decide how to best help online students reach their goals without being affected by stress.
Note: Missing References in APA format 7th Edition
2. A meta-analysis method was performed in this study, to synthesize different results found between several studies. The MRU virtual library was used to access all the available research through the EBSCOhost databases. In an advanced search, the following keywords were used: “Students”, “Online”, and “Classes”. A limitation was set for research published within the last 5 years from February 2016 to February 2021 with articles published in English, Chinese, German, Korean, Polish, and Portuguese. The search provided access to 102 articles of which 1 of the studies was selected based on the topic and 101 were discarded.
Professor Notes: Please note that you need to incorporate at least five studies.