Posted: November 19th, 2022
Effect of Chlorine Gas on Immune System
Effect of Chlorine Gas on Immune System, Respiratory System, and Choose a single toxicant, and explain how it can impact the immune system, respiratory system, and the liver. This paper
should consist of a minimum of one page and utilize at least two reliable references in addition to the textbook. One of
your references must be a peer-reviewed resource. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced;
paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Effect of Chlorine Gas on Immune System, Respiratory System, and Liver
Effect of Chlorine Gas on Immune System
Chlorine gas is disinfectant that affects the immune system by killing or suppressing the essential bacteria that resides in the digestive tract. According to Vandekinderen et al. (2009), the said bacteria are responsible for reducing the acidity in the gut, helping in the digestion of food, and forms an integral part of the immune system. Killing the essential bacteria destroys the balance in the flora of the body which weakens the body’s defense system. Also, the imbalance in the flora in the gut encourages the growth of Candida albicans and other pathogenic yeast (Vandekinderen et al., 2009).
Effect of Chlorine Gas on Respiratory System
Inhalation of chlorine gas leads various respiratory complications, including difficulty in breathing and coughing. Chlorine gas poisoning causes crackles in the lungs, which can be heard when one pays attention to their lung movement, as stated by Bernard et al. (2006). In addition, the person who inhales chlorine gas sneezes and experiences irritation in the nose and the throat. Very low volumes of chlorine gas can cause acute wheezing attacks, chronic coughing with phlegm, and asthma when inhaled. Bernard et al. (2006) noted that chlorine gas dissolves in the moist epithelial layer forming corrosive acids that have a severe impact on the softer epithelial layers in the respiratory tract. Chlorine gas inhalation causes a variety of respiratory complications, including difficulty breathing and coughing. According to Bernard et al., chlorine gas poisoning causes crackles in the lungs, which can be heard by paying attention to one’s lung movement (2006). Furthermore, the person who inhales chlorine gas sneezes and experiences nose and throat irritation. When inhaled in small amounts, chlorine gas can cause acute wheezing attacks, chronic coughing with phlegm, and asthma. According to Bernard et al. (2006), chlorine gas dissolves in the moist epithelial layer, forming corrosive acids that have a severe impact on the respiratory tract’s softer epithelial layers.
Effect of Chlorine Gas on Liver
Tetrachloroethene, a chlorinated solvent chiefly used for dry cleaning and stain removal, causes hepatotoxicity in the liver. However, it rarely causes acute failure of the liver. It causes massive hepatic necrosis, mainly in the third zone of the hepatic lobules (Shen et al., 2011). The damage is likely to cause architectural distortion and a post-necrotic cirrhosis.
Bernard, A., Carbonnelle, S., de Burbure, C., Michel, O., & Nickmilder, M. (2006). Chlorinated pool attendance, atopy, and the risk of asthma during childhood. Environmental health perspectives, 1567-1573.
Shen, C., Zhao, C. Y., Liu, F., Wang, Y. D., & Wang, W. (2011). Acute liver failure associated with occupational exposure to tetrachloroethylene. Journal of Korean medical science, 26(1), 138-142.
Vandekinderen, I., Devlieghere, F., Van Camp, J., Kerkaert, B., Cucu, T., Ragaert, P., & De Meulenaer, B. (2009). Effects of food composition on the inactivation of foodborne microorganisms by chlorine dioxide. International journal of food microbiology, 131(2), 138-144.