Posted: October 27th, 2022
EDU 200: Philosophy of Education Assignment
EDU 200: Philosophy of Education Assignment
Discuss your vision for your future classroom.
My vision for my future classroom is a learning environment filled with fun, love, affirmation, and different models of learning. I will utilize direct instruction, technology, small groups, learning activities, and appreciation of talents. I will utilize fun and build a healthy relationship with the students since research suggests that students cannot learn from a teacher they do not like. Fun increases the eagerness to learn (Tisza, 2021). I will ensure my classroom is an environment filled with love and kindness since I acknowledge that some students may be coming from broken backgrounds. I believe that every student can achieve their educational goals despite their background. For instance, I was brought up by my mother while my father was away working in the city. Her daily affirmation and encouragement were critical in giving me the confidence to achieve academic milestones. Therefore, I will strive to give the students the best environment to achieve their goals. Providing a healthy learning environment is critical in promoting quality learning outcomes.
Another goal is to build healthy relationships with parents. I will ensure I know all the parents of the children personally and understand their background. The information will help me to understand the behavior of the students and inform my decision on how to support them. For instance, students from broken families will require diverse affirmation and direct instruction to compensate for the moments they might be distracted in class. It will be essential to embrace a collaborative framework in the process of learning. I will strive to collaborate with the students to make them active in the process of learning. Participation in the learning and using different technologies and small groups will enhance academic achievement.
Philosophies of Education
I relate with progressivism and social reconstructionism philosophies in education. Progressivism’s philosophy emphasizes that teachers should focus on the development of a child as a whole (Kooli, 2019). I believe that education is part of an ongoing growth occurring among learners. For instance, I would encourage learners to form groups to enhance their learning activity. The learning should not stop after copying notes and listening to the lecture (Kooli, 2019). For instance, I will recommend each group come up with projects that they can use to critically apply what they learn in class. I believe learning is an ongoing process and not a static action. Students acquire knowledge to critically evaluate society and make it better. If students do not develop strong critical skills they will only absorb education as an end rather than the beginning of critical thinking.
Social reconstructionism focus on social reforms as a way of improving the quality of life. The philosophy encourages students to continually embrace reforms to create better societies and governments (Danner & Ofuani, 2022). The objective of embracing social reconstructionism is to help the students understand that learning is a tool for a better future. The students should develop the courage to confront the issues that are affecting society (Danner & Ofuani, 2022). It is not acceptable to adopt the old traditions without critically evaluating them. I will apply the philosophy by encouraging the students to critically evaluate what they learn, and what they see in society, and determine to bring change in areas they feel are not working well for the welfare of society.
Danner, R. B., & Ofuani, F. N. (2022). The Influence of Educational Philosophies and Learning Theories on Language Teaching and Learning in English as a Second Learning Context. Rivers State University Journal of Education, 25(1), 69-81.
Kooli, C. (2019). The philosophy of education in the sultanate of Oman: Between perennialism and progressivism. American Journal of Education and Learning, 4(1), 36-49.
Tisza, G. (2021, October). The role of fun in learning. In Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play (pp. 391-393).