Posted: September 1st, 2023
ECON 625 essay
College of Arts & Sciences | 2020-21
ECON625 Managerial Economics
Semester: Winter 2021 Session 1
CRN: 23163
Instructor: Dr. Anne Cramer
Schedule and Assignments:
Week Content Assignments
Week 1 Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: The Firm and Its Goals Problem Set 1
Written Assignment 1
Pre-assignment 1
Quiz 1
Week 2 Chapter 3: Supply and Demand
Chapter 4: Demand Elasticity Problem Set 2
Written Assignment 2
Video Essay 1
Pre-assignment 2
Quiz 2
Week 3 Chapter 5: Demand Estimation & Forecasting
Chapter 6: Theory & Estimation of Production
Supplement: Economic Indicators Problem Set 3
Written Assignment 3
Video Response 1
Pre-assignment 3
Quiz 3
Week 4 Chapter 7: Theory & Estimation of Cost
Problem Set 4
Written Assignment 4
Video Essay 2
Pre-assignment 4
Quiz 4
Week 5 Chapter 8 & 8B: Pricing & Output (Perfect Competition, Monopoly), Break Even Analysis (Appendix)
Chapter 9: Pricing & Output (Monopolistic Competition, Oligopoly)
Supplement: Mergers & Acquisitions Problem Set 5
Written Assignment 5
Video Reply 2
Pre-assignment 5 and 6
Quiz 5
Week 6 Chapter 10: Special Pricing Practices
Chapter 11: Strategic Positioning
Chapter 13: Multinational Corporation Problem Set 6
Written Assignment 6
Video Essay 3
Final Paper Due
Quiz 6
Week 7 Chapter 14: Government & Industry
Supplement: Intellectual Property Written Assignment 7
Quiz 7
Reservation Statement: The instructor reserves the right to make adjustments to this syllabus and schedule as needed.
Learning Assignments and Methodology
Learning methodologies include problem sets, written assignments, video essays, quizzes & tests, and a final paper.
Problem sets allow students to practice technical aspects of economics. Problems are based on end-of-chapter problems. The textbook is a good resource to use in working through the problems, and the instructor is available to help. Topics track the weekly assigned chapters.
Written assignments are short assignments covering major concepts covered in the readings. It is a good idea to look at the written assignment each week before starting the assigned readings.
Students are presented with three videos that are related to course information. Assigned essays are designed to allow students to relate the videos to economic concepts.
Quizzes, the midterm and the final exam are multiple choice and cover material practiced in the problem sets and weekly assignments.
Final Paper
The Final Paper is the major assessment tool used in the class. It allows students to bring together all of the concepts in the course and use them to assess real business opportunities. Weekly pre-assignments help students to prepare the final paper.
The topic of the final paper is the future of business in a city of your choice. For this assignment, you will be asked to select a city (or neighborhood within a large city) that you believe has potential for future business growth. You will then investigate the business environment of the city and prepare a report that highlights opportunities and incentives for future business in that city. Background information and assignment details can be found in Blackboard.
Instructor Policies: Late Assignments
The schedule of assignments is available the first week of class, and students are expected to adhere to the schedule. Students are encouraged to submit work early any time a scheduling problem is anticipated.
Assignments received after the due date will not receive full credit and may receive no credit if more than two weeks late. No credit will be given for assignments submitted after the last day of class.
In the event an unanticipated circumstance beyond the control of the student impacts assignment submission, the student is expected to contact the instructor as soon as possible with a proposed plan of action. The instructor then has the authority to accept or not accept the proposed plan. The plan may include acceptance of the assignment after the due date with full or partial credit, at the discretion of the instructor.
Instructor Policies: Missing and Make-up Assignments
There are no extra credit or make-up assignments. Missing assignments will be factored in as zero points.