Posted: February 28th, 2022
Eassy Paper essay
HP 4368
I. Two Options
A. One option would be to select an OPEN sport in which you consider yourself to be an “expert”. DO NOT choose one skill of a sport.
1. Example: Lay – up shot – no; basketball – yes
B. Another option would be to select 5 different open situations in which patients/clients could participate after or during their rehab experience.
C. Approval – by instructor by February 2, 2021; Late approval: 5 points will be deducted from grade.
D. Task Analysis due February 25, 2021 at 11:00 AM
II. State the overall perspective of the task analysis by inclusion of the following.
A. For whom
B. Age range
C. Gender
D. Level of skill
E. Other information that would explain the conditions of the situations involved in analysis
III. The analysis should be done in view of the following. Discuss each of these in relation to the sport which you have chosen.
A. Indication of traits which are needed to perform the sport or activity. This may include physical traits also.
B. Definition of strategies and accomplishments necessary to participate
C. Interrelationship between players and between players and objects where appropriate.
D. Elements of a good performance
IV. Include the following in you task analysis. – Refer to the class notes for explanation. Do not include instructions for “how to do” the skill. This is considered information which is not appropriate for the assignment. Refer to the lecture notes regarding task analysis. Remember this is a psychological task analysis. You are concerned with what affects the learner as he/she makes decisions regarding movements. Spend more time on this section than any other. This is the bulk of the assignment.
A. Environmental demands
B. Type of environment
C. Distinctiveness of beginning and end
D. Predominant Cue Used
E. Source of Feedback
F. Type of Feedback
G. Demand of Precision
H. Nature of the Movement
I. Objectives
J. Motor/Cognitive
K. Processing Demands
HP 4368
V. Selected References which are posted on Canvas. These readings are required assignments for this paper. You must use APA documentation in your task analysis. Sources which are not acceptable are other task analyses which have been written or individuals who have already written a task analysis.
A. Example of a journal article and reading assignment
Robb, M. D. (1972). Task analysis: A consideration for teachers. Research Quarterly, 43 (3), 362-372.
B. Example of a book and reading assignment
1. Whiting, H. T. A. (1969). Acquiring ball skills. London: G. Bell & Sons, Ltd.
2. The reading assignment for ‘B’ – Preface p. vii – x and Pages 1 – 11.
C. DOCUMENT your work and include bibliographical references under the final heading Selected References at the end of your paper.
D. Reference format
1. APA style
2. Reference in text
(a) Reference used in the beginning of the sentence: Whiting (1969) relates….
(b) Reference used at the end of the sentence: ….ideas which were given in his paper (Whiting, 1969).
VI. Technical Criteria
A. The paper must be typed.
B. The appropriate font size is 12 point.
C. Double space between sentences in the paper. Single spacing is not appropriate.
D. The paper is to be written in paragraph form. Listing will not be acceptable.
E. Organization, grammar, and clarity are important factors. Each will be included in a portion of the grade. Incomplete sentences are not acceptable.
F. Headings are appropriate; however, the headings must be used in APA style and format.
G. Drafts: The student has the option to present a draft of the paper up to February 18, 2021. After February 18, 2021, papers will not be reviewed.