Posted: February 17th, 2022
Early Childhood Interview
Questions: 1. Describe yourself. “I am 7 years old, I’m a girl. I have brown hair and brown eyes and I am in second grade. 2.
Who is the most important person in your life? “My mom” 3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? “Being better at math” 4. Describe what you believe is the greatest invention/thing you’ve ever seen? “A computer because you can video-chat with your friends and you can type stuff if you need to for school. ” 5. What is your most prized possession? “My American Girl Doll that my dad bought for me in Chicago. ” 6.What is your biggest fear? “Really tall heights” 7.
Describe something that “bothers” you? “being rushed” 8. What have you done that you are most proud of? “I passed level 2 in swimming lessons on my first try this last summer. ” 9. Describe what you do for fun? “Ride my bike, go to the park with my friends, play with my dolls and Barbies, go swimming in the summer, go to the movies with my mom and grandma” 10. If you had one wish, what would you wish for? “More American Girl Doll stuff” Impressions and Reflections I was very comfortable talking to Suzy (age 7) because she is my daughter.However, I believe that I would be comfortable speaking with most children her age because I have experience being around my daughter and her friends. Prior to the interview, I thought that Suzy would be more confident in her answers.
Also, I was surprised about her answers to several of the questions. For example, her response to “describe something that bothers you” was “being rushed”. I was surprised to learn that it was the thing that bothers her the “most”. Unfortunately, as a single mother that works, attends school and is responsible for all of the household duties I am usually rushing around from one place to the next.In addition, I was surprised that the one thing she would change about herself would be “to do better in math”. According to reports from her teachers and test scores, Suzy is an excellent student with above average intelligence. As her mother it concerns me that her self-confidence is so greatly affected.
Lastly, I found Suzy’s response to the question “if you had one wish, what would you wish for”, and she answered more American Girl Doll stuff to lack empathy and perspective of any kind.I know that she is only 7 years old but I felt that her answer was very self-oriented. I thought that she might have answered it differently with more thought and insight. Suzy’s self-description was typical of a child 5-7 years old. She used mostly concrete, observable characteristics. The textbook indicates that children do not talk about self worth until age 8, but that their behavior may indicate self-esteem. I feel that Suzy has developed self-esteem and demonstrates self-esteem related issues already with regards to her peer group.
A young child’s self concept extends to what makes her happy or sad. Social psychologists such as Jean Piaget believe that a child’s concept of self evolves as he gets older. The ability to reason and understand morals, or to differentiate right from wrong, grows as he understands more fully that he is a separate individual from his parents and the rest of the world. Parents can aid in their children’s moral development by engaging in age-appropriate activities with their children and basing moral teachings on their children’s ability to understand.Preoperational children often have relatively high self-esteem because early self-concepts are based on easily defined and observed variables, and because many young children are given lots of encouragement. Young children are also generally optimistic that they have the ability to learn a new skill, succeed, and finish a task if they keep trying. Self-esteem comes from several sources, such as school ability, athletic ability, friendships, relationships with caregivers, and other helping and playing tasks.