Posted: September 5th, 2023
Each student is required to write a 4-5 page paper on a feature movie (not a documentary)
Each student is required to write a 4-5 page paper on a feature movie (not a
documentary) that is historically based (on the time period of 1900 to the present). It must
include an overview of the movie, an analysis of the movie (especially in terms of social justice),
and how it fits into events covered in the course. In addition, the student is required to seek out
at least three reviews and analyses of the movie and discuss how these analyses fit into or
challenge his or her view of the movie. Students are expected to use a variety of sources in their
paper (books, academic journal articles, magazines articles, newspaper articles, and web pages).
All sources must be properly cited.
The instructor will provide examples of the movies that can
be analyzed and the movie chosen by each student must be approved by the instructor. The
movie cannot be one analyzed in the textbook but the analysis of the movies in the book can be
used as an example for the first part of the paper.
The following questions should be used to guide your viewing and research:
•What event, person, or period is portrayed in the movie?
•How accurate do you think that portrayal is?
•What impact did the movie have on your views of the event/person?
•How do others (from your research) critique the facts and historical portrayal of the
•How did your research affect your opinion of the movie and the portrayal of the
events/person/or time period?