Posted: December 16th, 2022
E-marketing week 9 | Marketing homework help
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the Week 8 Discussion Board Assignment. For this week, be sure to read chapter 10.
Your main post should be a minimum of 200 words, well-thought-out and it should address the question in its entirety. Make sure that your main post is the same written assignment that has gone through the Unicheck process. Please submit your main post by Wednesday of the week.
Your two response replies should be between 50 – 100 words each. Responses such as, “I agree,” “disagree” or “good answer” are not acceptable.
I will suggest that you submit your first response reply by Friday of the week and the second no later than Sunday noon of the week. This will enable you to have a good discussion going on the thread. Note that both responses are due by Sunday of the week.
All your postings to the discussion board need to be:
- Free of plagiarism,
- Use the recommended APA writing format,
- Properly cited, and
- Academically clear, meaningful, and substantive.
Please keep in mind that this is a professional platform and we need to show gracious professionalism to everyone in this classroom at all times.
The discussion question for this week is as follows:
A. In chapter 10 of your textbook, you will read that mined data can be divided into three sources.
List these three sources and in your own words describe them.
B. You are part of the data analytics team in your company. Your company is toying with the idea of developing a new product for a niche market. You have been tasked with conducting market research to determine if this new product idea is a “go” or a “no-go” idea.
Discuss which data source(s) you will utilize and why.
C. Identify your new product. Which data elements (discuss at least 5 of them) will be of interest to you? Why? Keep in mind that this is a niche market.
Please be sure to use the Q/A format when providing your responses. Make sure that your Main Post has gone through the Unicheck review. I look forward to interacting with you this week on the board.