Posted: April 20th, 2022
During early colonial America, the colonies and Britain
The overall task is to write a Thesis/Paper on the Main Causes of the American Revolutionary War.
We shall highlight 3 causes based on the primary sources.
This first task is to write the introductory paragraph of that Thesis roughly 200 words. Remember to have a thesis statement (underline) at the end of the paragraph.
See below examples from other students
Student 1
The Boston Massacre was a deadly riot that took place March 5, 1770, it was one of the most important events leading up to the Revolutionary War. This started when the government in London decided to enforce Britain’s tax laws, like the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts. The Stamp Act imposed a tax on all papers and official documents in the American colonies, though not England. And to help pay the expenses involved in governing the American colonies, The Townshend Acts were passed, this initiated taxes on glass, lead, print, paper and tea. In response to new taxes the American colonies decided to discourage the purchase of Britain’s imports. Tensions ran high in Boston, and quickly started a street brawl between American colonists and British soldiers, this quickly spiraled out of control and became a bloody slaughter. This event marked the moment when political tensions between British soldiers and American colonists turned deadly. American colonists rebelled against the taxes they found repressive, rallying around the cry, “no taxation without representation.” Furthermore, The Boston Massacre increased the hatred between the Americans and the British, and became the turning point in the beginnings of the American Revolution.
Student 2
During early colonial America, the colonies and Britain had many conflicts that over time led up to the Revolutionary War. However, if it weren’t for these conflicts then America wouldn’t be the independent country it is now. Britain would implement taxes or place acts on the colonies which the colonists didn’t like, and it led to a rebellion against King George III, the ruling King of the British empire at the time, and even questioned some of his actions. Although there are many events and reasons that led up to the Revolutionary War, there are three strong events that played a pivotal role as the start of it all. By looking at the results of the Seven Years War, the Boston Tea Party, and the publication of the Common Sense pamphlet written by Thomas Paine, it shows clear evidence of the colonies coming together to ultimately fight against Britain.
Student 3
There were many events that led to the chain-like sequence known as the American Revolution. The acts and movements that followed would lead this new found country into what we know today as America. The stamp act was an act that the British created to start taxing the Colonists which resulted in them feeling violated. The act that followed was the Tea act that only caused further violation for the colonists. The Tea act was a system the British created in order to tax the colonists for low priced tea due to their global marketing system constantly increasing and decreasing. Over the end of the span of this new resistance against British rule the seven year war came. The war resulted in yet another loss for Britain due to them having to borrow from banks and investors. Due to the large span of money they decided the colonists should help pay this debt off. With the new uprising in independence for the colonists, the British decided to implement acts in order to tax the colonists and gain interest economically, leading to a grand collision between the two groups and the commencement of a revolution.
THE 2ND TASK is to describe sources
Discussion 4 (Part 2) Post Two Primary Source Quotes by Sunday (Or Locating Context and Bias for Primary Source Quotes)
Assignment: List 2 primary source quotes by 2 different authors and a short description (to the best of your understanding) to locate bias and Context in your sources.
0. Who wrote the document?
1. Why was it written?
2. Who was the audience?
Where Can I find these Primary Source Quotes?
There are primary source excerpts in the textbook! These are on tinted pages under the headings “Voices of Freedom.” These include
Samuel Seabury, an Alarm to the Legislature of the Province in New York (1775)
And Thomas Paine in Common Sense (1776)
You can also use the Declaration of Independence at the back of the book, A-2 to A-4)
Heck-here all Primary sources from all editions of the textbooks. Download all Primary sources from all editions of the textbooks.Make sure you quote and analyze at least two of those to make your argument for the paper!
This is not about external research, just what you can find, or guess about the document. No wrong answers, as long as you make educated guesses. The Declaration of Independence background and “Common Sense” is in the textbook, by the way! Seabury or more obscure authors, time for that educated guess!
So I just put “Thomas Jefferson” or “Samuel Seabury” for Who wrote it, right?
Not quite! Here is how to better unpack a source:
0. Who wrote it? (That is not just a name, but who they are, what is their place in society, their job, their claim to fame? If you do not know, make a guess! (a literate male interested in politics, a rebel, probably a Tory, etc.)
1. Who is the audience? (Who might be reading this? If it is addressed to King George, well, that is probably the audience, but likely parliament too. If it is someone arguing against the stamp act, well, it is not likely a Tory, but maybe someone connected to a Committee of Correspondence. Or was the audience just normal literate colonists still on the fence about independency?
2. Why was it written? (What is the purpose? Was it to convince, to entertain, to educate, to fool? Was it a diary for private consumption, or to urge some patriot group to dump some tea in the Boston Harbor? Was it truthful, or meant to deceive? Was there, possibly a secret underlying agenda? Who benefited by this document?
Here is a sample:
According to John Locke, a 17th-century British political philosopher, “when the government is dissolved, the people are at liberty to provide for themselves by erecting a new legislative differing from the other…as they shall find it most for their safety and good,” (Locke 220). His “Two Treatises of Government” was written in 1689 to defend the Glorious Revolution, in which the power of the new rulers were limited by Parliament. The audience was likely literate people of the time, especially those ruled by the British monarchs and the parliament.
Okay, Let’s say I found this John Locke info in a blurb in my Western Civ textbook and put it into the correct form. If there was no information, I might write something like, “Locke was a political writer who seemed to support Enlightenment ideals,” “I believe his purpose was to convince his readers to support this new government” and “his audience was likely readers interested in government.”
The purpose of answering those 3 questions is evaluating the writing and finding its point of view. In short, it means “analysis.” When you use primary source material for your evidence, you MUST NOT take it at face value. Instead, use this exercise as a guide to what you can -or can’t—learn about the move toward independence from your sources.
And, yes, you can use this exercise as part of your paper. In fact, you will need to!
Please read “Easy Ways to Analysis a Primary Source”
to see what a final version of a Primary source paragraph might look like
Example from other students
Student 1
According to Samuel Seabury, an Anglican minister and graduate of Yale College who was a devoted loyalist between 1774 and 1775 published several pamphlets opposing the revolutionary movement. “Money is levied upon us without the consent of our representatives, Mobs and riots are encouraged, in order to force submission to the tyranny of the Congress” (Samuel Seabury 155). I believe his purpose was to establish a strong episcopate in America that would take precedence over the organization of the church. He wrote this for the New York legislature and for people that had the same views as him where they also opposed the policies of the Continental Congress.
Thomas Paine, A recent immigrant from England, published a highly influential pamphlet that made the case for American Independence. According to Thomas Paine, “O ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose, not only the tyranny, but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the old world is overrun with oppression” (Thomas Paine 155). I believe his purpose was to support revolutionary causes in America and Europe. He was trying to attack the injustice of rule by a king in his writing. He was writing for the people that also felt that there was injustice of rule by a king.