Posted: March 2nd, 2022
DPH 485 Communications in Public Health Template
DPH 485 Communications in Public Health Template
Dr. Hayes Page 1 of 2
Advocacy Plan
Date: ___April 16, 20______
Advocacy Group Name: _Alliance for a Virtuous Education (AVE)_
Topic: _Comprehensive Reproductive Health Education___
Vision Statement AVE is committed to the health and well-being of our youth
and that includes ensuring that they are empowered with the
knowledge to make safer reproductive health and social
Purpose/Mission AVE purpose is to encourage school districts and the
community to support providing age-appropriate
comprehensive reproductive health education program in the
Mississippi public schools. Our mission is to garner long-term
support for programs applying a holistic approach to teach
about the human reproductive system.
Objectives Short-term: Secure support from parents, teachers, and the
community in high priority areas to rally for comprehensive
reproductive health education for the high-risk students/youth
to be implemented in the next school year.
Medium-term: Increase the number of school districts in
Mississippi that will implement policies to deliver evidencebased comprehensive sex health education to middle and high
school students by 20% in 4 years.
Long-term: Amend House Bill 999 to mandate comprehensive
sex health education as Mississippi standard and achieve full
implementation in all Mississippi School Districts.
Strategies 1. Increase awareness of the teen pregnancy and STD rates
through community outreach and mass media.
2. Promote the economic benefits of comprehensive sex
programs through short- and long-term cost benefit
analyses and data.
3. Form community alliances (leverage supportive
4. Engage parents in the students learning process.
5. Ensure all educational materials and information are
presented in an age-appropriate format.
DPH 485 Communications in Public Health Template
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6. Utilize media to garner favor for position and to broadly
share Mississippi’s current outcomes for addressing the
Resources & Assets Personnel: e.g. # of volunteers to achieve goals and implement
Budget: communication materials, e.g. pamphlets, web site etc.
Current policies and data: House Bill 999, MSDH statistics and
data showing poor outcomes
Agencies and Organizations: Healthy Teens for a Better
Resources needed:
Money for advertisements and promotion
Support/Opposition Those who favor position: Evidence suggests that parents favor
comprehensive health education; Women’s Foundation,
Mississippi First Lady
Those who oppose position: Conservative groups and parents;
Faith-based organizations who prefer abstinence only programs
Targets/Agents of Change Targets of change (those who want to behave differently):
Youth/students, school district, conservatives (opposers)
Agents for change (those who can help the change): Women’s
Foundation, First Lady, Parents and Parent Teacher
Organizations, local community, health advocates/organizers,
Legislators in the high-risk communities, local/national
Sectors to Change 1. Parents (who demand change)
2. School Leadership and Boards (who execute policy
3. Churches (who offer support and stop opposing)
4. Government (introduce and amend policy for the
Actions Develop a media outreach plan
Increase activity on social media
Implement a letter writing campaign to state legislators