Posted: February 21st, 2023
Dont BID Unless You Check The Material
Chemical Engineering Department
Assignment 2 (15%)
Semester Online Spring Year 2021
Course Title Chemical Engineering Sophomore Seminar
Course Code CHE 200 Section O1
Student Name Student ID
Due Date Refer to Moodle Instructor Mr. Jenson Jen Jacob
Guidelines for Solution
Please read and apply the following points carefully:
1. Solve the assessment in a word file, convert it to pdf, and submit it on Moodle.
2. Block diagram must be drawn in word.
3. Avoid plagiarism in construction of the block and format.
4. Convert your page into landscape to have a full view of your assessment.
5. Name the PDF file as following: Full Name – ID – CHE 200 – Section.
6. Provide detailed answers including steps, equations, and units according to
question type.
7. Submit the pdf (only one file) file through the assignment submission link on your
Moodle section page.
8. You can submit your assignment no more than twice. So, make it count.
9. Students are fully responsible for submitting a correct file. Make sure it is the
correct file, it is not corrupted, and it is readable. Unclear or absent answers
would be deducted.
10.Inaccurate or corrupted files would result in a deduction as per grading policy.
11.Late submission will be allowed with penalty:
a) Delay by 1 calendar Day – 40% Deduction (grade is multiplied by 0.6)
b) Delay by 2 calendar Days – 60% Deduction (grade is multiplied by
Draw the Block Diagram (BD) for the following Manufacturing process:
Sugar manufacturing process:
Sugar production involves a series of physical processes including juice extraction, clarification, evaporation,
crystallization, and drying. In addition to the main process units, a typical sugar mill has a cogeneration system
where process steam and power are generated, and a cooling tower for cooling process warm water.
Step 1
Sugarcane from the farm is first cut and shredded using knives and shredders to break the hard structure and
rupture sucrose cell for easy juice extraction. Juice extraction is usually done either by compressing shredded
cane in roller mills to squeeze out the juice (milling method), or by the diffusion method through a countercurrent hot water leaching process at a suitable temperature
Step 2
In the clarification unit, the draft juice is first heated and limed to enhance precipitation and separation of some
non-sucrose impurities and fine bagasse from the juice. Liming also provides a nearly neutral pH, suitable for
clarification and restricting sucrose inversion in subsequent evaporation.
Step 3
Clarified juice contains about 85% (by weight) of water, most of which is removed by boiling, to concentrate the
sugar. The evaporation unit, mainly comprises a heat exchanger to preheat clear juice to about 110 C.
Step 4
The crystallization process starts by boiling syrup (concentrated juice) in conventional batch or continuous
vacuum pans while adding a slurry of fine sugar crystals to seed crystals formation. The hot mixture of crystals
and the mother liquor (molasses), called massecuite is then discharged from the vacuum pan into cooling
crystallizers for further crystallization. Subsequently, the sugar crystals are filtered and washed out of the liquor
in centrifuges.
Step 5
Drying is the last process in raw sugar production, traditionally done in a rotary drum dryer tilted at an angle of
about 5 to the horizontal to allow continuous flow of the sugar through the drier. Hot air is fed into the dryer
counter current to the sugar flow and by continuously lifting and dropping the sugar crystals, they are cooled
and dried.
Grading Scheme:
The assessment will be evaluated based on the below grading scheme:
Correct Drawing and Streams Connections (40%)
Indicating components of each stream (labeling) (40%)
Correct labeling of each block (10%)
Proper layout and clear representation using Microsoft Word (10%)