Posted: April 3rd, 2022
Domains of Culture Chart
Custom Research Paper Topics: Essay Writing Service
American Not Hispanic
White Not Hispanic
American Indian
Overview, inhabited localities, ethnocultural
Colored, Black, Black American,
afro American, Africa, Mexico, Europe, Asia, Greece, Black Jews, Islamic
white, Caucasian, skinheads, trailer trash, cracker, Europe, Africa, Mediterranean, middle east, Greece, Jews, Islamic
Orientals, Chinese, Slant Eyes, Yellow
mixed culture of races
Spain, French, Portugal, Latin America
American English, body language, hand language, humorous
American English, stiff dialect, long winded, stiff, impersonal
Maintain face, direct communication
More than a hundred dialects
Spanish, Latin, English,
Family roles and organization
single parent,
grandmother, aunt, orphanage
father dominant, single parent, grandmother, aunt, school drop-out, housewives
Males are valued and women are less valued, both parents make family decisions
Civil head of tribe is called sachem and the military leader is the Chief
Strong cultural values, consists of a nuclear family system, the whole family is involved with making decisions
Workforce issues
middle-class, low-job status positions, labor work, prejudice attitudes toward blacks
father breadwinner, labor work, high paying jobs, prejudice towards other races, high-job status positions, stay home dads
Difficulty with speaking English, Men have higher education than women, less likely to have health insurance
Men do the hunting and fishing while the women do the manual labor work
Lack of education and verbal communication, good workers, but training issues due to cultural barriers
Biocultural ecology
dark skin, light skin, red skin, white skin, various skin colors, Mr./Mrs./,Ms./Miss, Reverend, Pastor m Madea, Madame, Mama, Daddy, Ma, Dad
white, fair complexion, Mr./Mrs. Mr./Mrs. Jones, Mr./Mrs. Smith, Mr./Mrs. Thomas, Miss, Ms. Madame, Mother, Father, Nana
Difficulty with verbal communication, isolation from other cultures
Dark reddish-brown skin color, long black straight hair
Sickle-cell disease, cystic-fibrosis most common diseases for Hispanics, no other specific diseases to associate them of their culture
American Not Hispanic
White Not Hispanic
American Indian
high-risk behaviors
smoking, alcohol, HIV-AIDS, STDs, drugs, violence, rape, teenage pregnancies
smoking, alcohol, HIV-AIDS, drugs, violence, rape, teen pregnancies, sex, STDs
Sexual behaviors amongst adolescents throughout their life; HIV/AIDs, STDs. Heart Attacks, Diabetes, alcohol, Cancer
Smoking, drinking alcohol, suicide, heart disease, obesity, hypertension
Alcoholism, cirrhosis of liver, pneumonia, hepatitis, increased childhood diseases
pork chops, neck bones, greens, sweet potato pie, hot peppers, okra, ham hocks, corn, corn bread, salt pork, pork and parts, chicken and parts, beef and parts, eggs, turkey
pork chops, steaks-beef, corn bread, chicken, cows, pigs, chicken, turkey, wheat, maize, potato, sugar, cow’s milk,
chicken eggs
Legumes, rice, nuts, whole grains, read meats, sake, beer, tea, wine, chicken, fish, sweets, small intake of dairy products
Maize, potatoes, corn, fish, shell-fish, chicken, ducks, turkeys, dogs, pumpkins, peppers, sweet potatoes, eggs
They eat four or five meals a day, consists of soups, tortillas, eggs, coffee, deserts, meat dishes, rice
pregnancy and childbearing practices
oppose abortion, after the birth stay in the house six wks., children care for elderly
parents with young children; divorce is common; personal desires over
family well-being, Late age pregnancies.
Believe in hot and cold theory, soy sauce is omitted from diet believe it makes babies darker, soups and tonics for strength
Herbs and teas to stop bleeding, whole family is involved, and mother is in a squatting position to deliver.
Milk is avoided said causes large babies and difficult deliveries,
Air conditioning is dangerous to the pregnant mother
death rituals
Family gathering, least likely to donate body parts, families are not ready for member to die, pregnant women not allowed in sight of death.
Visitations, Funeral Services, Family gatherings, Private Services, Burial Services, Feel they will go to Heaven
Always brings a feng shui to help find burial site, Funerals known for length, intricacy, beauty and unwavering display of respect. They often look to ancestors for help and guidance
They believe the journey is long and give them food, herbs and gifts to prepare for their long journey. For a safe journey they wash the dead with yucca suds and dress them in traditional clothing
The dying relative is cared by the females family and refuses help. The dying relative stays home to die. Nursing Homes or other facilities are not acceptable.
religion is serious, owns a family church, expects results from prayers, Atheists.
a private affair, mainly Protestant and Bible-based, Catholic, Jewish, Atheists
Hinduism, Christianity,
Buddhism, meditation, Islamism,
They believe in a Supreme Being and Evil Spirits, Christian ministries
Catholics, They believe the dying person moves onto another life
health-care practices
Only see if necessary, natural healings, old remedies from grandparents, mothers, not easy to adhere to medication instructions.
Males may not seek medical attention, Women will seek care for their family and children, Over-weight children, Anorexia, Bulimia
Health is a state of spiritual and physical harmony; the healthy body must be balanced
Avoid prolonged eye contact sign of disrespect, respect the elderly, respect their tribal beliefs
Men do not complain to outsiders, they solve healthcare issues at home with elders before asking for outside help
health-care practioners
Prefer HCP of same gender will see a nurse (female) before a physician (male or female), resent taking orders/instructions from outsider.
Some prefer their own race or gender
Some prefer practioners of the same gender, seeks pleasant speaking practioners, inspects the medical office of artwork and cultural beliefs and values
Some healthcare services is provided by the Indian Health Services; some American Indians do not use the Indian Health Services because of certain historical trends
Respect their spiritual side of their complaints, all the family is involved in their healthcare decisions, show respect at all times, adults should be addressed by title names
A diabetes prevention assessment tool for American Indians.
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Asian Community:
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HINDUISM: Flood, G.D. (1996). An introduction to Hinduism. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University.
ISLAM: Armstrong, K. (2000). Islam: A short history. New York: Modern Library
Characteristics of the Traditional Asian Family;
Cultural Diversity: Eating in America-Mexican-American; Copyright © 2010, The Ohio State University
Cultural Sensitive Health Care: American Indian:
Culture-Sensitive Health Care: Hispanic:
Ethnic Variations in Prevalence of High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Asian and Pacific Islander Adolescents in HawaiiEthnic Variations in Prevalence of High-Risk Sexual Behaviors Among Asian and Pacific Islander Adolescents in Hawaii
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Hispanic Culture of Death and Dying:
Hispanic Cultural Influences on Medical Practices: Pedro A. Poma, MD Melrose Park, Illinois;
Hispanic Families and Male and Female Relationships;
Molina, M. & Molina, C. (2001). Health issues in the Latino community. John Wiley and Sons
Native American Legends:
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Nies, M. & McEwen, M. (2001). Community health nursing: promoting the health of populations. Elsevier Health Sciences
Prevalence of cardiovascular disease risk factors in a southwestern Native American tribe.
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Reaching Out to Diverse Populations: Opportunities and Challenges;
Social and cultural barriers to diabetes prevention in Oklahoma American Indian women.
Taylor C, Keim KS, Sparrer A, Van Delinder J, Parker S.Prev Chronic Dis. 2004 Apr; 1(2):A06. Epub 2004 Mar 15.
The Hispanic Workforce Is Rising, but Lack of Education Still Holds These Workers Back; BySavita Iyer-AhrestaniContributing EditorInvestment Advisor Magazine;
Tienda, M. (2006). Hispanics and the future of America. National Academies Press
Traditional Cultures and beliefs and practices: Childbearing and parenting, Created by Clittzen;
What do Native Americans eat? Copyright 2010 – 2014 Some rights reserved. Site powered byWordPress.