Posted: February 24th, 2022
Domain 4
Click on the following links to find information on professionalism and the importance of accurate record keeping:
· Parent_Teacher_Conference_Tips.pdf
Videos and Media
Video One:
Watch the following video on parent-teacher conferences.
Video Two:
Watch the following video on formal observations and reflecting on your own teaching.
Response Questions – COMPLETE
Response Question One: Self-Reflection
How important is self-reflection in order to grow as an educator? What can it bring to realization, especially when the opinions of others are solicited? Attach your response here or upload a word document using your last name as an identifier.
Response Question Two: Professional Development
Once certified, teachers must continue to self-evaluate and improve their own professional development. How do continuing professional development and community outreach support student growth? Attach your response here or upload a word document using your last name as an identifier.
Assignments – COMPLETE
Reflection Essay One:
Record keeping is essential to being not just a good teacher, but also a professional in the field. Write a 1 ½ page reflection to explain how a distinguished teacher in this domain would not only keep a student gradebook, but monitor student progress and mastery of standards more closely. Attach your response here or upload a word document using your last name as an identifier.
Assignment One:
Review the provided parent contact log formats. Choose one from those provided below or use your own form. Upload a completed contact log here filled out for at least one month of the school year or more to show consistent parental contact. It should have contact commentary, otherwise it is of no use as a proper log of contact discussions. Names may be changed, blacked out, or reduced to initials for confidentiality.
A good rule of thumb for number of contacts throughout the year is that you should contact each student’s family at least once per 9 weeks. More is always better, but go by the 1 contact per 9 weeks at minimum.
Proper parental contact reflects on your professionalism as a teacher, so this should be set as a high priority.
· Progressive_Performance_Resource_Parent_Contact_Log.docx
· Contact_Log_1.doc
· Contact_Log_3.doc
· Contact_Log_2.doc