Posted: November 28th, 2022
Does pre-surgical patients, who receive effectiveness
QUESTION: Does pre-surgical patients, who receive effectiveness pre-operative education regarding post-operative opioid has better pain management and less incident of opioid misuse that those without previews education?
Provide a PowerPoint presentation of six slides(counted as three pages)
1) Title page: Name of study
2) Identification of Problem and hypothesis
3) Aim/ Purpose and research question
4 & 5 ) Proposed Methodology Design, setting, sample and data to be collected.
6) References
the attached document might help.
Methods and Design
To draw conclusions, I intend to use a quasi-experimental approach with two groups, a control and a treatment. The medical staff will give the control group the standard opiate education that is available. The treatment group will receive regular instruction as well as an additional one-hour lesson on appropriate pain management and the risks associated with opioid use. The primary outcome will be the number of patients who report having adequate pain control one week after surgery. Secondary outcomes that will be measured include the number of patients who require an increase in their pain medication dose and the number of patients who self-report opioid use at their one-week follow-up session. Patients will be randomly assigned to either the control or treatment groups.
Potential Danger
The design approach I’ve chosen has several potential flaws that could jeopardize its validity. One type of bias that can occur is self-selection bias. A “self-selected” sample is one in which people participate in a study because they believe the therapy under investigation will benefit them. If the people who participate in the study are not truly representative of the group being studied, the validity of the study may be jeopardized. Another avenue through which legitimacy could be undermined is the so-called “Hawthorne effect.” When this occurs, people change their behavior for no other reason than they are aware they are being watched. Because these patients are aware that they are being watched, it is possible that they will obey their doctor’s orders and take their medications as prescribed.
Patients in both the control and treatment groups will be asked to keep a daily diary of their pain medications in order to account for this potentially confounding variable. As a result, I will be able to accurately compare the amounts of medicine taken by patients in the two groups. Furthermore, patients in the control group will be asked about the severity of their pain and whether they felt the need to increase the amount of medication they were taking. Patients in the therapy group will be asked about their pain levels, as well as whether or not they felt the need to increase the amount of medicine they were taking and whether or not they applied any of the knowledge they gained from the class. If I ask these questions, I will be able to control for the Hawthorne effect and get a more accurate picture of the medication’s impact. As a result, I believe that this research design will provide a more precise picture of the therapy’s effect than a study based solely on observation.
S. Pike, N. Pontes, and F. Kotsi Attractiveness of stopover destinations: a quasi-experimental approach Destination Marketing and Management, 19, 100514.