Posted: February 23rd, 2022
DNP- DPI Project
I need this in about 150 words by tomorrow
It is important to become comfortable verbally discussing your DPI project. As you continue in the DPI project process, you will find yourself needing to pitch your idea to a lot of stakeholders. These stakeholders will usually be busy people who do not have the attention span to listen to a prolonged discussion unless the meeting is specifically pre-arranged for that. What will be helpful for you as you move forward is to develop an elevator speech of your project that is engaging but gets the point across quickly but eloquently as well. This elevator speech needs to address the question …What is your DPI project about? Write this elevator speech down and practice in front of the mirror multiple times. Many of you as leaders are used to public speaking within your teams. However, you may not be as comfortable pitching to stake holders that are not part of your team especially since you are used to being experts and now you may be feeling a little shaky navigating the doctoral journey. Be assured that you can do it but practice makes it even more perfect!
Please share your elevator speech here. Be sure to keep it to less than 3 minutes if you can and maximum should be 5 minutes.
Topic: Improving Medication Adherence in Diabetic Patients in Home Health Care Settings