Border Control Challenge on the war on drugs Mexico is well-known for high-profile drug crimes. Take a look at the NY Times series on the Drug War or Breitbart’s (Yes, that one that you heard about) Cartel Chronicles Mexico second deadliest, just behind Syria, ahead of Afghanistan & Iraq Write a short paper (1 page […]
FORM INPUTS FORM 1 Dynamic functionality of the script The purpose of form1 is to post to an email address then accept information on State, Address, postcode, age, gender, first name, surname, mobile phone number, and area code. All fields are mandatory apart from gender which the user can opt to leave out. This form […]
Patient Care After studying Module 1: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: The unlawful restraint of a patient can be a legal pitfall for the PMHNP. K.W. was found eating hamburgers out of a Mcdonald’s dumpster and drinking water from an old water hose. She had not taken a bath in weeks. She refused […]
Instructions from Paper Number Two: The paper is worth 100 Points Required Paper: APA format is required for all writing assignments. All papers must be structured with a proper thesis, introduction, body and conclusion. All writing assignments are to be five full pages, typed with a reference page. No Abstract and running header is needed. […]
Reflecting on the Needs of Older Adults Question How do the primary care needs of older adults differ from the general population of adults? Assignment Requirements As this assignment is a Journal entry and not a formal paper, it may at times be difficult to follow the organization, style, and formatting of the APA 7th […]
Public health models provide an in-depth examination of a population’s health, welfare, and education. These models enable public health professionals to put theories into practice by outlining various factors to consider when disseminating health interventions to improve care outcomes (Schaffer et al., 2021). Public health models are essential to practice because they include a collaborative […]
Slavery Primary Resource Assignment Click on the following link, then click on “Voyages Database” link on the Toolbar and scroll down to “Search the Voyages Database.” Write a short story about TWO of the ships listed in the database. What was the name of the ship; what country owned the ship; the name of […]
For this discussion post, I’d like to address the issue of care retention, specifically in HIV care. Modern medicine has advanced HIV care to the point where, if properly managed, viral load can read undetectable on a lab draw, making virus transmission unlikely between sexual and needle sharing partners. Keeping appointments, showing up for lab […]
NAEYC Supplement Assignment Review the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators on pages 360-366 in the textbook Developing & Administering: A Child Care and Education Program. Using the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct Supplement for Early Childhood Program Administrators, respond to the following situation being ethical or not, refer to […]
HCM 340 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Overview Since the turn of the century, there has been an increased focus on transforming the U.S. healthcare delivery system. Several reports have cited the enormous divide, or chasm, that exists between the healthcare system as we actually receive it versus the ideal system that we strive to […]