Posted: September 5th, 2023
disscussion replies in own words plz not outide sources
1: Explain the proper way to deliver a presentation. What tools can you use?
2: Describe the tasks in presentation development. Find examples of what not to do and explain why. ?
3: You have the three step process that was high lighted in chapter 12. Plan, write, and complete these steps really help guide you to creating an effective presentation. When presenting I usually have a pen and paper in front of me for both notes, also I can use it to take notes in case there is any follow up questions. I believe this helps show that you care about the audience and if you do the follow up this will build credibility as well. Also it is very important to have your in focus projector up and connected and ready to go when the audience arrives. As this shows that you are respectful of their time.
Practice and preparation are great. Do you have any advice to offer for when an audience member asks a question that you don’t know the answer to?
From doing many presentations, one of the key points I feel that make a good presentation and a bad presentation is the fact you have a person in front of the audience. A good presenter doesn’t need fancy tricks and every word spelled out. I find I’m more engaged with the presentation, if the presenter knows his or her material, and uses their presentation as basically an outline of their main points, and a way to stay focused on the message being delivered.
Also, voice control is a key. Making sure you aren’t droning, yet, keeping a tone to your voice that people can listen to helps a good presentation become great. When the presenter moves a lot, it can also detract from the presentation. Watching some of the better presentations, you’d be surprised how statue like some of those people are, and they use small movements to make large points.