Posted: February 24th, 2022
Discussion Questions
AG 4010 Book/Video Assignment Rubric (Total Points 12) Being scored on:
0 Unacceptable
1 Poor/Very Limited
2 OK/Good
3 Excellent
Criteria 1: Word count and organization
100 words or less and/or single spaced.
Greater than 100 words without paragraphs and/or single spaced.
Greater than 100 words with two or more paragraphs with a minimum of one citations in each paragraph and/or single spaced.
Greater than 100 words and at least three paragraphs with a minimum of one citation in each paragraph AND double spaced.
Criteria 2: Critical Thinking and use of ethical theory
No ethical theories applied
Minimal application of ethical theory
Good application of ethical theory
Detailed application of ethical theory
Criteria 3: Number of ethical theory citations used in support. These should add value and be meaningful.
No ethical theory citations (paraphrase or direct quotes). Pp, video, topical and Open Web citations do not count.
2 or fewer ethical theory citations (paraphrase or direct quotes from 2 or fewer sources) used to define ethical theory (or theories) being applied. (NO Pp, video citations, topical or Open Web). Sources are well- rounded, peer-reviewed ethical theory sources (philosophical in nature). (Must be reputable: CPP library or S-L textbook).
3 ethical theory citations (paraphrase or direct quotes from 3 different sources) used to define ethical theory (or theories) being applied. (NO Pp, video citations, topical or Open Web). Sources are well- rounded, peer-reviewed ethical theory sources (philosophical in nature). (Must be reputable: CPP library or S-L textbook).
3 or more ethical theory citations (paraphrase or direct quotes from 3 different sources) used to define ethical theory (or theories) being applied. (NO Pp, video citations, topical or Open Web). Sources are well-rounded, peer-reviewed ethical theory sources (philosophical in nature). (Must be reputable: CPP library or S-L textbook).
Criteria 4: APA citations and References section
Numerous improper APA citations and/or References errors. Use APA book!
2 or more improper APA citations and/or References errors. Use APA book!
1-2 improper APA citations and/or References errors. Use APA book!
Proper APA citations and References section on sources used. When you cite make sure and list the page number or paragraph number. Use APA book!
Note: Extra points deducted for misspelling, poor grammar or errors made repeatedly week after week after corrections and feedback have already been given. Professor reserves the right to deduct points, give warnings or zeros for submissions slightly over 30% similarity (includes References section at end). If you are having trouble with % similarity, paraphrase MORE and direct quote less and include more original thought to reduce. Zeros can and will be given for submissions that do not follow the prompt or have % similarity exceeding the 30% threshold.
Rubric for AG 4010 Book/Video Assignment (Total Points 12) Being graded on:
0 Not Acceptable
1 Very Limited/Poor
2 OK/Fair
3 Outstanding
Criteria 1: Organization and word count
100 words or fewer, single spaced
More than 100 words, no paragraphs, and/or single spaced
More than 100 words, two or more paragraphs, at least one citation in each paragraph, and/or single spaced
More than 100 words and at least three paragraphs, with at least one citation in each paragraph AND double spaced
Criteria 2: Critical Thinking and the Application of Ethical Theory
No ethical theories applied
Minimal application of ethical theory
Good application of ethical theory
Detailed application of ethical theory
Criteria 3: Number of ethical theory citations used in support. These should add